


5 years, 8 months ago


Basic Information 

Full name: Chauncey Étienne Delarose

Birth date and Birth Place: June 23, 1913 in Nantes, France

Eye color: brown

Hair color: black

Intermediate family: parents, older brother

Nationality or ethnicity: Half Korean and half French. 

Sexuality: Straight.

Other Information

Personality blurb: Chauncey is a mixed media person meaning he can be mean or can be really sweet but has beef with his father and a little with his older brother. Is probably one day going to end up taking over his father's business. 

Languages Spoken: Fluent in French and English, knows some curse words in Korean thanks to dad.  

Talents: Extensive knowledge of medical terms, writing essays, sleeping, cussing people out like a boss even though he's a super nice person.

Phobias: Emmanuel Fischer, Stevie Delarose, blood.

Friends: Emmanuel Fischer, Stephen Delarose, Hamish Langeais, Rochelle De'Guiche,Jacques Moreau.


Backstory: Chauncey was an accident and when his mother found out she was pregnant, she bugged his father until Stevie let Charlotte keep him. With his parents getting older and with limited mobility, Chauncey was mostly taken care of by his older brother by 13 years, Stephen Delarose and Simon Pariseau, a roommate and friend of their mothers' within the first few months of his life. Due to details concerning a few months prior to his birth with his brother and a baseball bat, Chauncey was prone to harsh nosebleed by the time he was a month old. Nothing could be done about it and he eventually learned to live with it. As an infant, he was often taken care of by his mother, father in their last years of easy movement. He almost never spoke or walked. Around the time he turned two, Stephen was the one mainly taking care of him. Stephen would carry him around everywhere. Around the age of three, Chauncey started to walk on his own and spoke more. He was awfully clumsy which resulted in Stevie getting him checked out for the need of glasses, which he certainly did need. Within this year with his father being a billionaire, Stevie sought to find a more spacious house and bought a manor-like home on a hill overlooking the city of Nantes. 

His parents liked this new setup a lot and Stephen was finally happy to not have to share a room with his cranky baby brother. Chauncey immediately became very smart over the course of a few months because he was pretty much on his own now. He knew how tie his shoes and write his own name. He became to enjoy books now that he was alone most of the time so his smarts improved with every year. Chauncey could deal with Stephen ignoring him but really wanted attention from his parents. Whenever he wanted to get their attention, Stephen would help. Other than that, the family only really saw each other for meals.

Around the time to start 1st grade, Chauncey became a little naughtier to get his parents attention. This resulted in being sent to a boarding school which Stephen did not attend. He made a couple of friends, those being Emmanuel Fischer and Hamish Langeais. He found a place he finally felt like he belonged in. Emmanuel and Hamish were mean people, which Chauncey was the friend that kind of just went with whatever they did. He never thought much about it until middle school and after Emmanuel was killed. Hamish had become meaner in general but was nice to Chauncey, so they stayed friends.  Chauncey and Hamish became into drinking at an early age and being gangster-type middle schoolers. That behavior was quickly demolished by Stevie after Chauncey let it slip one day. Chauncey became fearful of his what his father could do with how he reacted to the alcoholic intentions. Charlotte explained that his father had gone down the same path as a young adult and didn't want his own son to be apart of it. A part of Chauncey started to resent Stevie for sending him to boarding school to not have to be dealt with but keeping a close eye on him. 

In high school, Chauncey was in over his head in the somewhat delinquent personality. He was desperately afraid he wouldn't be able to get out. He pulled himself out a little bit and managed to distance himself from whatever Hamish was getting into trouble with.