Edwin Caligari



3 months, 6 days ago

Basic Info




leader of the syndicate
lawful evil
edwin caligari

No one hurts my family and gets away with it.

No one.

Girl in a jacket

and still we stand

For as long-lived as Edwin Caligari is, he's never lost his villainous edge, rather it only seems to grow sharper the longer he remains. Even before taking on an immortal form, he was a bit of a bastard. Charismatic in the way that makes it hard to determine if he's lying or not, Edwin is manipulative and he's perfectly fine with that.

Protective - or possessive, depending on how one might look at it - of those he considers his, Edwin is willing to kill for his family. He has a few good traits: loyalty is a big one, as is his decisiveness, but that is often overlooked in favor of his more "villainous" traits, meaning his predatory nature will likely never truly go away.

go ahead. Underestimate me.

violent end

Edwin doesn't remember his mortal life, other than it ended in violence. Chosen as a victim rather than a fledgeling to be cherished, he was murdered, only being turned when his sire - unknown even now - let enough venom seep into the bite.

Upon realizing this, his sire fled and Edwin was left to rot in the ruins that was to be his grave.

He stayed there, spiraling between the madness that comes with a fledgeling vampire ignored by his sire and moments of rare lucidness, though the majority of the time he slept, only waking, centuries later when his rest was interrupted by the woman who would soon become his everything.

Theodosia Caligari was an old vampire, older than Edwin even, and when she heard rumor of a monster in little-explored ruins, she felt the need to investigate.

fresh start

It took a few years for Edwin to feel comfortable with civilization, but with the help of Theodosia, he felt comfortable joining her in the city. He agreed to a new turning bite, overriding the original one, and Edwin calmed considerably after that, though instinct is often hard to reset.

The year he officially joined Theodosia was during the height of the Prohibition Era and Edwin learned that the Caligari's were a known crime family. Edwin took to this new life with ease, earning the respect - or fear - of the others after a short time.


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