Katherijn Dirkse



5 years, 8 months ago


Kat is a 19 year old courtesan in early 17th century residing in the Netherlands. She's a courtesan, but she may as well be the court fool. She's loud and never misses a chance to crack a joke. Basically, she just has lots of fun. She talks a lot and likes to laugh at the old dudes in the court. She is ALWAYS laughing, which means she's always up to something. Not everyone gets her sense of humor (it might be too ahead of her time) but she knows how to adapt to a tough public.

She likes music and knows how to play a bunch of different ones, her favorite being the Oud. She's not too much into fashion, except for her feather headwear. She's regarded as a very beautiful young woman, and her fun side can be appreciated by those who don't know her well, but those who do see her as childish. Not that she cares though. Her hair is combed in style, but still manages to look messy 'cause that's just who she is as a person.

She's based on exactly this painting by painter Gerard van Honthorst. Dude seems to have painted this girl a few times, and she just looks so funny to me. The name and everything else I made up, couldn't find any info on her. 

It is EXTREMELY valid to draw an interpretation of her in modern times, just keep in mind her personality and all. She'd be really into memes is all I'm saying.