PokéVerse Lore (◆ Geography ◆)



PMD World Map

Just like in the PMD series, the PokéVerse is made up of six major continents, as well as several smaller islands found throughout the seas. From east to west, the continents include:

The Air Continent, located to the northeast of the map.
The Grass Continent, located to the southeast of the map.
The Water Continent, located to the northern center of the map.
The Mystery Continent, located to the northern center of the map (above the Water Continent).
The Mist Continent, located to the northwest of the map.
The Sand Continent, located to the southwest of the map.

In addition, the two major seas include:

The Sea of Wonders, located to the southern center of the map.
The Sea of Light*, located to the western center of the map (below the Mist Continent, above the Sand Continent).

*The Sea of Light is a fan-made location that I created, and is therefore not canon in the PMD series.

In this world, both the continents from the PMD series AND the regions from the main series are canon. Regions are found across the various continents of the world. They've been fully explored, mapped out, and deemed safe enough for large communities of pokemon to live. Exploration teams + rescue teams can still be found in regions, though they tend to be more interested in exploring the wider continent. Regions are much more safe and there aren't nearly as many mystery dungeons. The dungeons that do exist aren't even that dangerous, which is why a lot of rookie team bases are established close by. Despite their large populations, regions aren’t that big compared to the grand scale of the continents.

Some legends claim that the regions were created by both pokemon and humans, while others suggest they were established by Legendary Pokemon. Nobody knows for sure how any of the regions came to be, but one thing is for certain: they've existed for a long, long time, and have developed their own unique cultures as a result!

The locations of the major regions (up through Generation 9*) are as follows:

Air Continent: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh
Mist Continent: Unova
Water Continent: Kalos, Galar, Paldea, Kitakami
Sea of Light: Alola

The Grass Continent, Sand Continent, Mystery Continent, and Sea of Wonders do not contain any regions.

*Regions from spinoff series, such as Pokemon Ranger or Pokemon Snap, are not included at this time.
*The list of regions will be updated whenever a new main series region is revealed.