


3 months, 6 hours ago


You alright there? I'm Seven.
Male, He/Him


All Seven wants is to live out his life to the fullest, ignoring the rules created by society. Though he may have to do something about his gambling addiction first...


Seven's first impression is rarely ever a good one. With no stable job and a serious gambling addiction, many people don't have high hopes for his future. However, Seven disagrees, claiming that he is happy with the way his life is despite his struggles. This self-confidence of his is what allowed him to be fairly well-known by his communty, both admiring his courage and alarmed by his boldness.

Beneath his playful and even sometimes careless exterior, Seven carries an honest heart that cares deeply for his loved ones. He is quite mature emotionally and is able to remain calm in stressful situations, allowing him to be a great leader figure. He can be a bit overprotective to people younger than him, but in the end he just wants to support his friends as best as he can.

He cuts his own hair.
People are often intimidated by him due to his large build.
He is actually a decent singer, but purposefully sings bad to make people laugh.


But if I can keep being / The seventh odd petal / I’d consider myself / The luckiest man of all.


a single question from a lonely god

“Why do you hold so much love for everyone–even the most wicked–and none for yourself?”

Serving as the sun for a world consumed by a blackhole, the man carried the weight of a thousand soldiers. He lifted others into his arms, melting them with the warmth of his skin like wax, leaving a permanent burn on himself. Upon fusing into him they’d reach out for his sight, his taste, his touch, desperate to taste a small portion of the honey produced by a golden hive. And he’d only smile that same crooked smile, allowing them to embrace each part of his body, mind, and soul. But the number of followers does not determine a leader, and he shall soon drown in his own strength. Afterall, a successful hive has more than one worker bee.


Xen friends

"He kind of reminds me of myself when I was younger! A fun lil' guy, hopefully he reunites with his friend! Fray, was it? Fayre?"

Zerad amused

"Woah! What a temper! I'd usually stay away from guys like him, but he's a little... hm... how should I say it... I can't really get scared by this guy! Isn't he kinda like a stray cat?"

Imu friends

"She's just the cutest, isn't she? She reminds me of a little star! And imagine my surprise when I found out she has a personal relationship with Midas himself! Just who is this girl, really?"

Alec Lemieux worried

"Aah... I wonder what I'm doing wrong with him! No matter what I say he seems to get upset! It's so frustrating! What do I do?"