Monteux's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

K-Es-Tressier Global Rules

No return or cancellation under any circumstances. Refunds are not issued and this is a character purchase or trade, no physical item is to be shipped. You will be provided a full .psd upon payment and transfer. This TOS will also be attached to the invoice itself for transactions.

Characters cannot be sold for more than purchased for + sum of art of Character. My designs Must always be credited to me as the creator and edits to the design should not deviate from the species for the following- Meredians Lyzans, Rex, Thrish, which are (c) to myself.

*FOR ADOPTS OF MEREDIAN SPECIE, PLEASE READ (Lyzan, Rex, Thrish, etc) It is your responsibility to make sure when you order commissions of the character that the artist is aware they MUST* credit me as the species creator. My preferred is to simply state in the descriptions, example: "Lyzans belong to Soyu" with a link to one of my pages or simply state one of my usernames @ whatever site the username is on. If the artist fails to do this and I see it, I will contact you to remind them to add it. Similarly, art you draw of the character must also contain this credit.

Additionally, species cannot be made from the design and claimed as your own. You may change them to fit a species of your own or other as long as you also plan to use the original Meredian design as well and keep intact. No profit is to be made off the design being sold other than what was paid including the total price of any art included when selling the character. Characters of unknown species do not need to be credited to me by other artists, only on the original art and me as the designer. The Color scheme of said character can be adapted to creating a character of your own species as long as you *ALWAYS credit me with that original design attached to show that is where it was inspired/pulled from. Any characters created from the design may not be separately sold as a separate character and must be sold together with the original design as the same char (just different AU of it). This prevents excessive profiting.

* FINAL NOTE. selling, trading or gifting of Meredians is permitted, but please simply send me a note, message, pm on one of my sites linking me to the new owner of the character when it passes into new hands. This simply helps me keep track of who owns my designs.

*Additionally, you can always check with me first to see if I'd like to buy the design back. chances are, I might!

Thank you and enjoy your new character!