Thales Maheras



5 years, 9 months ago


#000 Human : >

Thales Maheras

Type Normal
Gender Gender-Fluid (He/Them/She)
Nature Naughty
Ability Immunity
Age 16 - 20
Height 6' 2""
Humans are considered a heavily defense based pokemon species in this universe fight me personally.

A woman who's answer to "How do I deal with my problems like a mature adult" Was to run away to another country, Laelia Maheras is something.... special.


  • Crass
  • Blunt
  • Self-Aware
  • Rational
  • Empathetic
  • Savage Bitch

Some people would describe her as a bitch. She, personally, likes to think she just doesn't take shit. Laelia Maheras is one ruthless motherfucker. That being, if you're on her bad-side. If you're on her good-side (And, luckily, that's actually quiet easy to do. She lives by the eye-for-eye meathod of friendship.) She's actually quite.. pleasant, and shows what's possibly her true colors. While she can come across as a loud smartass, and yes she is, she's actually pretty aware of her own personality and how she presents herself. Everything is calculated, and despite letting people onto her good side with ease, letting her guard down around others? That's a different story entirely.


For the first eleven or thirteen years of her life or so (She'll change it up depending on who she's talking to. She needs to keep people on their toes. Find out who's actually listening) she lived a bit of a sheltered life. Between her rich, noble family, fancy private tutors, and carefully planned schedule, she didn't exactly... Get Out Much. While she thrived both performance wise and intellectually in this enviorment (How could she not, she was almost always training or learning.) This left her quite reserved and quiet for the first portion of her life.

And then the time came for her to start her league challenge.

She challenged about four gyms over the course of three years, after teaming up with two people she'd met burning down a Rocket Building. She never actually.. tried too hard. It didn't hold her interest. She was good at it, but she was never actually doing it for herself. She did it for the chance to travel, free housing, and free food. She could have continued to travel Johto for years if she'd had her way. But you can only go so long faking the effort it take's to care about the league, and eventually she fumbled and dropped.

Around the time she dropped from the league, she was arranged to marry a boy from a family her's had worked quite personally with for the longest time. It skeeved out her oldest friend, but she was assured the marriage itself wouldn't happen for quite some time. After all, He was younger then her by about two years, and she was still quite young herself. Still, the family welcomed her and the two she'd traveled with for so long with open arms. Be it out of spite to her own family, or convience to her situation, she took the families name early. Even after the arrangement was cut off, she kept the name. Really, this was where she was shaped into who she is today, and she's so very hyper aware of this fact.

And then, about the time she turned eighteen, she got into a fight with the boy she'd been arranged to marry. It was inevitable. Stress had been piling up between the two of them, and the boy had never actually learned any proper coping mechnisms or ways to manage his anger. This kickstarted the chain of events that lead to her moving to Hoenn, and eventually ending up where she is today.



Poison Jab Normal

Switches out the user while keeping effects in play.

Bulk up Normal

Grips the foe with large and powerful pincers.

Captivate Steel

Hardens the body's surface to sharply raise Defense.

Last ResortDark

Crunches with sharp fangs. May lower Sp. Def.



Currently, she's taken residence in Hoenn's very own Little Root. Her families connections allowed her to easily land a job in the lab of the town, but.. truth be told, it's kind of in shambles. It doubles as a testing facility for the league, and while she says she's fine with essentially ruining some poor assholes dreams, it kind of has started to wear down on her.

Luckily for her, or maybe unluckily it's still being determined, her presence seems to have gotten the attention of... Something powerful. Dangerous. And Damn, does she like fucking with danger.


  • She has a soft spot for animals and children.
  • She has a fondness for gardening, and being out in nature in general.
  • Has a tattoo on the small of her neck that follows down her spine, covered by her hair.
  • Multi-Lingual. Knows her universes equivilant of Japanese, Spanish, and English.


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Okami Elius

[Future] Partner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor sem ut augue tincidunt, eu aliquam odio interdum. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget quam neque. Donec vitae elementum arcu. Duis vestibulum ac felis sed aliquet. Suspendisse placerat gravida ipsum, sed gravida magna. Duis tristique semper quam varius euismod. Aenean eget odio iaculis, ornare turpis at, efficitur velit. Etiam consectetur odio vel sem volutpat blandit. Etiam ac ex at arcu cursus tincidunt. Nullam eros nulla, sagittis in scelerisque ullamcorper, congue nec urna. Nulla bibendum tellus felis, et auctor lorem pellentesque commodo. Ut vestibulum libero orci, eu consequat neque dictum et. Sed dignissim diam nec lacinia maximus.


Floant --

[Future] Partner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor sem ut augue tincidunt, eu aliquam odio interdum. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget quam neque. Donec vitae elementum arcu. Duis vestibulum ac felis sed aliquet. Suspendisse placerat gravida ipsum, sed gravida magna. Duis tristique semper quam varius euismod. Aenean eget odio iaculis, ornare turpis at, efficitur velit. Etiam consectetur odio vel sem volutpat blandit. Etiam ac ex at arcu cursus tincidunt. Nullam eros nulla, sagittis in scelerisque ullamcorper, congue nec urna. Nulla bibendum tellus felis, et auctor lorem pellentesque commodo. Ut vestibulum libero orci, eu consequat neque dictum et. Sed dignissim diam nec lacinia maximus.


