Paris Dynamite



Name: Paris Dynamite
Age: 33
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Cisgender Man
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 7’ 2"

Special Abilities: His head explodes when he gets too angry, flustered, or upset, and it regrows immediately after. He can identify specifics about explosives, gunpowder and anything incendiary easily, is capable of summoning small explosive projectiles and directing them with a fencing foil used in his possible boss fight. 

Interesting Facts: He’s very strong, a hopeless romantic, easy to fluster, and prides himself on utmost respect and chivalry towards everyone he meets. He has two lesbian moms who love him very much, and a younger brother named Lucien Dynamite. He worked on cargo and trading ships for years in his twenties, and misses being on the water greatly. He spends a lot of time down at the docks helping load ships in his free time, or just getting his feet wet. When he isn't having his down time, he works as an arson detective with the local police precinct. 


Name Eugene Parvaiz Silva
Age mid twenties
Build strong, agile, soft
Species Faun
Gender Nonbinary Masculine
Orient. Gay
Pronouns He/They
Alignment Neutral Good
Class Wizard
Weapon Mahogany Staff, Seratted Dagger, his legs

Eugene didn't start adventuring voluntarily- and as such, isn't the best at it. He'd probably prefer settling down with a steady job, but its hard to do that because of his circumstances- so he's made the best of it and travels with his current party. He's pretty happy with the group, although their adventures seem to take him outside his comfort zone a little too often for- well, comfort. Eugene's self esteem isn't exactly good, or even average. This is contributed to by the fact that he's incredibly unlucky when it comes to magic. Most of the time, for the length of his adventures, he's failed to produce successful spells constantly. Because of this, he feels useless to his party. He tries his hardest, but often falls short, and because of it, he's come to believe effort on his part gets him nowhere, and that he's generally just doomed to failure and disappointment.

Eugene's ears move depending on his emotions. If he's faking a feeling, his ears will most often betray him, as they aren't entirely prehensile, along with his tail. He's a very self concious individual, and finds insecurity in nearly every facet of himself, but tends to idealize others- unless they seriously wrong others. If someone is mean to him, he'll often feel bad and internalize it, and do borderline nothing, but if someone is mean to a friend of his, he will leap to defend them, with assertiveness and aggression.


Eugene's early life is a general mystery. He's never told anyone- excluding a singular person he no longer sees- where he came from, what happened to him, or why he's so afraid of certain things. Without being told, some people can grasp at clues, or tells, to hint at his history. The way his ears flatten to his head when he walks by a place of worship. The way church bells make hims freeze up. How religious symbols that adorn buildings, door frames, necklaces, and clothing often make him fidget, and avoid looking at them, or even fully withdraw from someone or a conversation. The look he gets in his eyes when he hears or sees quotes from religious texts. Something clearly happened to him, but he doesn't intend to tell anyone any time soon.

Eugene's coping mechanisms have somewhat changed throughout his life, and after an incident with institutional religion during their adventures, his coping mechanisms changed because of that pivotal event. He would often cope with social anxiety and stress by being more compliant and cooperative. After an altercation with a few men of the cloth, which brought up a very physical manifestation of some kind of past trauma, he sunk in on himself and was buried in relivings and bad memories. That next day, still shaken from it, his coping mechanisms began to change. He failed to fight back against his trauma on a physical level, and found himself very, very disappointed in his own abilities. He doubts his ability to perform magic, and feels like a burden to others because of it. Because of this event, he began to sink into bitterness, cynicism and pessimism, and doesn't want to try anymore- although more recent events of successful castings, are changing his mind very slowly.

Recently, Eugene and his party found themselves in the void garden of a malevolent deity tied to the church, Iagiel. While there, he faced a vivid hallucination of his home and family, which he burned to the ground. Afterwards, naturally, he burned the rest of the garden to the ground with the help of Ziekte. When being pursued by Iagiel to their exits with the recovered and no longer corrupted priests, the party found their portal of escape destroyed. With virtually no other options,Eugene sacrificed his most treasured item, his staff, which was from his mother's tree, to mend the portal. With the additional sacrifice of Astha's (Seraph's) hair, the portal opened, and the party was able to escape without dying. After the portal closed, Eugene was left with the only remains of his staff, a flower. Oleander, specializing in botanical exploits, planted it with a bit of a magic touch, and it now grows at the top of the spire. Eugene has been re-shaken, and his belief that he's wholy unlucky has been reinforced in a way- he feels more useful, but more like his usefulness will always come at a personal loss or price to pay. He probably needs some therapy and affection, and has sunk into near-apathy and numbness over the loss of his treasured staff.

Eugene has found a replacement for his staff thanks to Lililia, who helped build it for him. It won't replace his old one, but on it's own it's pretty great. As a favor to Lililia, he and the others went to a college party at a casino, and after some drinking, and Eugene encountering another faun which made him very nervous, the lights went out. When they came back on, the other party member, Caprion, was holding a bloodied knife and standing by the freshly stabbed body of Meringue, a magician they hardly knew. Eugene is immensely suspicious of this, and is incredibly certain that Caprion is being framed for murder, and although he did see the corpse (which was very cold, suspiciously), he still doubts the reality of Meringue being dead.

Eugene has trouble making and keeping friends and wholly hopes that his current party stays his current party for a long time, and that he isn't forced to leave their company for some reason- partially a problem because of his abandonment issues.


  • Eugene, as a faun, will often times eat plants. Just. Right out of nature.
  • Eugene owns skirts and either wears those, or rarely wears pants at all. Because he has deer legs.
  • If presented with the smell of Axe body spray, he will become irritated, vaguely paranoid, and more aggressive and confrontational.
  • His distaste and fear of religion conflicts with his thinking most of the priests at the Church of Lumioel are sexy.
  • Has some kind of connection with the divine he won't let on about, probably connected to his fear of religion.
  • Doesn't like pet names much. Particularily from strangers.
  • Believes he's unlucky and doomed to inevitable failure in all his exploits.

  • Forests, nature, and animals
  • Aesthetically pleasing objects
  • Limericks, riddles and poems
  • Potion making, alchemy, magical sciences
  • hot meals, a real bed, and a shower (he doesn't get those often)

  • pet names from unfamiliar people
  • Sermons, churchbells, religious symbols, and people of the cloth
  • Being rude or others being rude
  • Intrusive questions
  • Very spicy and bitter things

Eugene thinks hes.. an enigma. He's kind of passive aggressive, a little dismissive, pretends to be uninterested in things or goes all in with enthusiasm and sometimes aggression. His name is ridiculous. He does trust him, but not with his life- he's a little too incomprehensible for that.

Trusts him. That trust was not always there, he was initially cautious and more guarded around him, seeing as he's a paladin- but over time has found that while he is a man of faith, he is not someone he should be afraid of. Finds his caring nature and urge to protect others admirable and looks up to that about him. Nice earrings.

Trusts him. Apprehensive about his deity though.. He has issues with people of faith, and is concerned that the god he places faith in is less than deserved. Curious about him, is intrigued by his mysterious qualities- but knows how intrusive questions can feel and refrains from bothering him about it. Likes Valid.

Doesn't trust him as much as he trusts Caprion, Lucille and Ziekte, because he's relatively new to the party in comparison to the three. Doesn't know a lot about him either, but doesn't dislike him. Still a bit neutral. Isn't really into the whole prep school vibe he picks up, but is glad Lucille likes him at least.

Trusts him. Lililia seems to, and she seems like a decent source of judgement. Talks. A lot. Constantly. Definitely needs to be protected. If everything goes well? Wouldn't mind having him as a younger brother. Can you brother-adopt people? Does actually consider him a friend- wants to learn more about plants and alchemy from him. Nice aesthetic. Nice to see a fellow involuntary-furry.

7745581_EujTQMTBGYD3vPW.png Ben

Is incredibly happy to know him and have befriended him. Ben is a gnoll. Yeah, he befriended a gnoll. He likes him a lot and hopes to meet up with him again sometime. Wonders why he took those dead rats in the first place but is very glad he did. Named him himself.

theme credit | vom