


5 years, 9 months ago


Basic Information

Full name: Pierre Louis Durand

Birth date and Birth Place: October 28th, 1913 in Lyon, France

Eye color: brown

Hair color: dark ginger orange

Intermediate family: parents, older sister

Nationality or ethnicity: Nearly pure-blood French with like 3-4% Japanese, Irish and English.

Sexuality: Very straight.

Random Facts

-Evangeline is older sister, Victoria is their cousin and their mother's are sisters.

-Nobody knows where his bright orange hair and lots of freckles come from because neither of his parents have red hair and excessive freckles, his family think it's a product of his aunt Mabel and his grandfather Sloan.

-If you were to look closer at him when writing or drawing, his hands violently shake. 

-He sleeps a lot, thus has a low stamina. 


Backstory: Pierre was born into a family that already had one kid. His sister, Evangeline, at the time was only two years. His parents got married just weeks after his birth due to becoming pregnant with him and his sister in college. Not long after, they moved to a city called Caen, France where they bought a house shortly after his birth due to unfortunate circumstances with his mother's occupation, she got moved from her department and his father who worked with her was fired. 

As an infant child to toddler, Evangeline didn't like him as he started to comprehend existing. When Evangeline started kindergarten, she became a bit more rude to her younger brother, always telling him he had a screw loose just because he was younger, she thought he was automatically stupider than her and daring him to do things like kick the mailman or follow the old kook that lived on the block into the woods down the street. She'd push him down the stairs or kick him hard enough so he'd fall over. Erin and Len Patrick eventually caught onto it and assured Evangeline that that was to be the final straw.

When Evangeline was ready to go into the first grade, she was shipped off to a Parisian boarding school so her parents could hope her behavior correction. In the meantime, Pierre was still at home, being looked after by preschool and kindergarten teachers. Pierre himself was ready for first grade, which then he was shipped off to the same boarding school as his sister. At this point, he was awfully confused because he had never done anything to piss his parents off like his sister did. He became even more distanced from the people he was around, everyone knew he was Eva's younger brother because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. Rumors were spread that he wasn't Eva's younger brother but maybe an adopted second cousin from far off Ireland. He became even more antisocial and quiet, he felt different from his classmates, some of them had had bad things happen so early on in their lives, already obsessed with something or flat out complete morons with no future but he was having an identity crisis at seven.

There was one girl who was also ginger, covered in freckles who had green eyes which he seemed to enjoy seeing her around, but never really spoke to. She was his cousin, Victoria LaCroix. It wasn't until fifth grade that he became a total sucker for art. Erin showed him all the little sketches of the random people in the office that he had drawn when he was three. Then she bought him a sketchbook before sending him off to school again. He started off drawing the teachers in front of the chalk boards. After about six different pictures of teachers doing their jobs, he tried drawing the class from the angle he sat at, which was mostly the backs of people. He'd draw people in the cafeteria and around campus.

Around the middle of middle school, he had talked more to a girl named Constance Antoine, who had been obsessed with video games since she had all the top ranks in pretty much every single game that ever existed. They became sort of friends and would partner up whenever the teachers said they could pick their partners. Around high school, Pierre had become so invested in art that he filled up a couple different sketchbooks in a school year. He wanted to start studying different styles of art and got into anime and manga styles. His biggest type of sketch in his books from that point on were a realistic head shot of the person he was drawing followed by a manga approach to the same person. Though, Evangeline attended the same school as him, she stayed far away from him until about high school when she started picking on him again. Eva would corner him in the halls or library and start being such a bitch to him, asking him for favors and money. 

He graduated at the average time with a fine arts diploma and his name among the most successful students of that year. Pierre was sent scholarships and requests for colleges that specialized in art from all over the world, but eventually decided he wanted to study in Tokyo, Japan. He got a master's degree in art. Now he draws manga panels and strips in shojo magazines and works on upcoming anime's while living in Tokyo, still. He has no desire to go back home but his parents visit him every major holiday. He's also probably married Constance or a Japanese woman and has a daughter called Amako. He ends up staying in and raises his family in Tokyo.