


5 years, 9 months ago


Basic Information

Full name: Axel Fernando Garner (alias: Croix Bennet)

Birth date and Birth Place: September 21st, 1913 in Barcelona, Spain

Eye color: light sky blue

Hair color: platinum blond

Intermediate family: parents 

Nationality or ethnicity: like 75% Spanish and 25% French.

Sexuality: Asexual.  

Other Information

Personality blurb: Axel is a very quiet dude and has been ever since he was a kid. He's very utilitarian and does what needs to be done but at the same time is very much into aesthetics like plants. 

Languages spoken: Fluent in French, Spanish and English.

Phobias: The color yellow, his mother inevitably dying.  

Talents: Very good at gardening, fashion designing, making a good cup of tea, playing soccer. 

Friends: Hamish Langeais, Jacques Moreau


Backstory: Axel's parent's were not expecting to have a child but when Anise found out she was pregnant, she and her husband decided to keep their soon to be child. As a child, Anise and Javier ended up signing him up for a local soccer team so he could be watched by some other people for a while and they could keep working and pick him up at a later hour. He was ready to enter the first grade and ended up being sent to boarding school in Paris while his parents hoped they could keep up with the school payments and that he could make some more friends. The class ended up taking a small field trip to the Louvre to study how people painted portraits in earlier centuries. Axel closely studied the paintings of plants and how realistically they were drawn that he started to like them enough to want to start a garden. He started doodling flowers on a lot of his assignments. When the school year came to an end he rushed home, squirming and delighted to explain to Anise and Javier, they talked to him about plants over a morning omelette in a cafe and Axel said he wanted to start a garden on their unused terrace. 

Though being considerably smart for his age, he graduated at the average time but was recognized as one of the school's finest and was given scholarships to multiple colleges across the country. He decided to take up a scholarship for a college smack in the center of Paris. His major became business and in the first year, he started his own business which he named "Paper Airplanes" in French. He designed a lot of clothes in the first year and had his roomate help physically create them to sell on the racks of the shop and a lot of local celebrities like Jacques Moreau starting buying them. He graduated college with a bachelor's degree in business and minor's degree in art. To this day, he works as a designer for his shop and still enjoys watering his plants when he's not working. He's currently headed to the top of the fashion curve to have designs featured in fashion week and companies like Chanel and magazines like Elle.