Basic Info




Full Name: Vicente (never uses, only called this by Val)

Nicknames: Vincent (everyone, preferred), Vince (Malachi), Vinnie (Zader)

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 216

Occupation: Television Broadcaster and Owner of Sexortic Dance Club

Sexuality: Omnisexual (with preference for men)


  • hate both his parents
  • can have quite the temper when angered, and has anger issues/daddy issues
  • stronger than both his dads without having need of soul contracts
  • college educated with lawyer like abilities
  • In love with Zader and for the longest time thought it was one-sided (is also very protective of him and will defend him with every fiber of his being)
  • can seem a bit arrogant and conceded, except with his friends
  • has a like/hate friendship with Axel (tries to avoid him at all costs if he can help it, but if Axel comes to him and asks for his help (especially if it regard Malachi) he'll be there no question. It's a complicated relationship they have)
  • can control electrical currents and broadcast signals
  • very tech savvy