
2 months, 22 days ago





Name The K5 Effigy
Gender None
Pronouns It/Its
Age ~2,000,000,000
Sexuality Aro/Ace
Ethnicity Lithoid Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa
Occupation None
Residence None

"A prehistoric cave painting. An account from the French Revolution. A photograph taken at Omaha Beach. One thing's for certain: There's something out there that's been with us for the entirety of human history."


K5 enjoys fighting, willingly throwing itself into action, no matter who or what its oppoenent is. It doesn't initially hate or despise those that defeat it or get in its way, rather considering them rivals at most. It views humanity as strange creatures, but wishes to understand them more. It is a bit disappointed that dinosaurs no longer exist, as humans aren't very tough opponents. K5 enjoys its new home on Earth, but always wonders what happened to the rest of its kind.

It is generally cooperative, though it can only understand rudimentary hand signals at most. As a result, the communication barrier between human and Lithoid is quite apparent.


K5 is a large, humanoid creature made up of varied types of rock. Its coloring can vary as it replaces parts of itself with stones found elsewhere. Cracks flow around its body, glowing with orange energy. It also has 7 orange "eyes" on its head.











The K5 Effigy is part of a race of sentient, rock-based creatures that hailed from a distant planet, known as Lithoids. Many cities were built beneath the planet's crust, growing more populous as they descended closer to the core. The Lithoids were a very gladitorial society, valuing strength and battle as means to an end. K5 was one such fighter, who excelled in its craft. Despite its hulking size, it easily weaved in and out between punches and kicks. K5 took pride in its skill, but its career as a top fighter amongst its kind would not last.

A rogue planet made contact with the Lithoid's homeworld, practically shattering it into pieces. K5 was flung into orbit where it traveled for thousands and thousands of years through distant space. Eventually, it would crash land on prehistoric Earth, forming what scientists today call the "Vredefort Impact Structure" in South Africa. This planet was alien to it. At the time, it was considered the apex predator of Earth, until dinosaurs and mammals evolved into existence. For the first time in millions of years, K5 had a fighting purpose again. Today, some paleontologists are still quite puzzled to unearth dinosaur skeletons with dozens of tiny little fractures. As humanity progressed through the millenia, K5 watched from a distance. War intrigued the golem, and it wouldn't be long until it would find itself in the occasional writted accounts of history.

During World War II, the Allies intercepted German communications that detailed an "Übermensch" super weapon somewhere in the European wilderness. This was initially dismissed as regular Nazi pseudoscience and spiritualism. Slowly but surely, photographs of a large humanoid trickled in, and its presence went from myth to something that could easily be a deciding factor in the war. Though the Allies could not manage to locate K5, its existence was now known by several governments, kept a secret from the public eye.

Present Day

K5 is constantly roaming about Europe, Asia, and Africa, searching in desperate hopes for a new worthy contender. Its last memorable battle was against several tanks during World War II. Attempting to raid military bases in hopes of fighting a tank or a fighter jet has resulted in national emergencies and unwanted attention, so that's out of the question.


K5 is also used as a Regirock character in Pokemon-related settings.

Lithoid anatomy consists of a single "nervous system" composed of a piezoelectric crystal colony that functions similar to a regular brain.

Theme: Hideki Naganuma - YOUR KNIFE FEELS GOOD