Hold [$6]



5 months, 24 days ago


Hold Profile

HTML Previews

Character Tabs

Live Preview

Character Petite

Live Preview

User Simple

Live Preview


  • CSS works on user profiles & character profiles.
  • User CSS/HTML is compatible with default TH sections (featured comments, recent characters, etc)
  • CSS allows you to customize...
    • Background image and/or color
    • Primary highlight color (for links & butttons)
    • TH header bar color
      • Can set both the background & font color
    • TH navigation bar color
      • Can set both the background & font color
    • Content area body color & font
    • Content area box shadow
    • Bootstrap colors (faded background, secondary color, danger, warning, etc)
    • Width of the content area (default is 1250px)
    • Font family + font size
      • import a custom google font for content and titles
  • Includes switches for
    • Choose navbar icon shape (square, circle or arch)
    • Recent images on character pages can be turned on/off
    • Corners can be sharp or round (4 options)
    • Background image can be a pattern or a full size image
    • Navbar link icons can float to the right, or have their default position on the left
    • Less commonly used sidebar links can be turned on/off


  • Padding can be added around the content area with the $extra_padding switch
  • Default colors are in this live preview. If you want a more dark setting you can try updating the following variables to these values:
    • $font: #fff;
    • $body: #222;
    • $bg_faded: #1a1a1a;
    • $muted: #888;
    • $navbar: $bg_faded;
    • $side_a: $font;
    • $header: #1a1a1a;
    • $header_a: #fff;
    • $content_shadow: 0px 0px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
    • $bg_color: #444;
  • You can customize both the title font & the body font
    • Default setting is 'Open Sans' and 'Kreon'
    • This preview uses 'Roboto' and 'Lora'
    • This preview uses 'Cabin' and 'Graphik'