


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name: Keevat

Age: 45

Occupation: Hunter ; He also carves trinkets

Mate: None


Son of Vyn'Ylvka, hatched in the Autumn.

Keevat Meets Karse at age 19

Keevat was wandering the tunnels of the cenote aimlessly one day, his age-mates had taunted him no small amount when his hunt had ended with nothing to show. So here he was, seemingly alone and brooding in the tunnels when he heard the sound of metal striking rock. Keevat followed the sound until he came to a crevasse. He peered into it, there was just enough room to let his horns pass without scraping them. He squeezed through about twenty feet of narrow walls until he emerged into a large cavern with what appeared, he noted with surprise, to be a hot spring at the far end. Sunlight was filtering down and illuminating...,an intruder! 

The intruder was humanoid, but with those bizarre ears and tail, it definitely wasn't human. Although, Keevat wasn't one hundred percent sure there weren't other variants of humans than the ones he'd heard about, and had a fleeting glance at once. Keevat was torn, does he leave it be? Attack it? Alert the others? 

The others...

He recalled the remarks of his age-mates, and with a snarl decided to attack the interloper.

He crept up between stalagmites soundlessly. Although, Keevat mused, the humanoid was so engrossed in his work and idly humming that Keevat could have charged at a roaring run and not have roused the being from its work.

Keevat crept from the shadows into the light, without warning he hurled himself at the humanoid who let out a high pitched yelp and a chorus of "dont kill me, dont kill me, dont kill me!" Keevat had the humanoid by the throat quickly and was about to crash him against the rocks when the humanoids tail (he had forgotten about that) crashed into the side of his head. He cringed and shook his horns, letting the humanoid go. That tail had packed a lot of power behind it. The humanoid made a mad scrabble to get to his feet and started for the...cavern wall? If he was trying to escape, it was a poor choice. 

(This humanoid is in fact a Gemmadite, their species travels through gemstones)

Keevat chucked a boulder at the fleeing humanoid and clipped him in the leg which sent him sprawling. Keevat stalked a bit more warily this time towards the humanoid.  It didnt appear as injured as it should be, but it was making pathetic mewling cries and muttering. Keevat caught the words "mate" and "child" or perhaps it was "newly hatched?" In any event, Keevat paused, his sire had been taken left or murdered, he knew not the circumstance only that he was gone. To force whatever was the object of this humanoids ramblings through the same turmoil, seemed cruel (nevermind the fact that moments before he'd had no qualms about bashing the humanoids skull into the rocks).

"Go pathetic creature, do not intrude here again." He sent.

The humanoids ramblings stopped abruptly, "You can talk?! Listen I was just here for the tugtupite, I make jewelry see?"

Keevat watched with annoyance as the humanoid produced a bag from his waist and inadvertently spilled its contents completely out. Bright pink gems like the ones in the caverns walls. Keevat had to admit they were desirable. No wonder the being had ventured here. 

Keevat snorted, "Pebbles."

The being  who had been frantically collecting his rocks looked up in annoyance, mortal fear forgotten, "Uh, you see these right? these are definitely not pebbles. I mean, they aren't rare or anything... Um, I am on earth right? Like, where humans live?"

"You mean where Okcovjek live?"

"Right, I just mean I never knew there guys living here too..."

Keevat was about to reconsider killing the intruder when he said, "You interested in jewelry? If you're interested in beads or anything, I bet one would look good in your beard...thing, like really." He dug around in a pocket and his hand came out with a bead, black and white, "Check it out its black agate. My names Karse by the-" 

In two swift strides the humanoid was trembling and counting his fingers and Keevat had the bead in his hands.  Now this was something! His beard would look very fine with a bead such as this. 

"Be here tomorrow, I will give you something for it."

Having collected his gemstones, Karse picked himself up off the ground and gave an affirmative nod, a bit shaken still and Keevat watched him as he finally made his way to the cavern wall and just, disappeared?

--Now about every six months Karse will bring something he thinks Keevat might like, and returns every few days until he sees that Keevat has taken it and left something in its place to trade. Most often its a carved toy or bauble. 

Traits and Info

 Spring Autumn

  Eyes: Uncommon
  Teeth: Rare
  Tongue: Common
  Markings: Uncommon/Mythic
  Back Spikes: Uncommon
  Extra: Jaw Spikes