Panella Mycena Wordley



Height: 5ft 2in
Weight: 102lbs
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: AroAce
Age: 24

Panella can be depicted as an Addison from Deltarune (created by Toby Fox), a Spammling (created by MissyZero), or a Servit/Linker!

   As a Spammling, Panella is an oddball, and prefers the quiet over being out in the loudness of city life. She creates healthy, digital foods for people to eat, such as different fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms. She lives close to the Trash Zone since it is less traveled by Darkners, and only comes out to sell her produce. She enjoys spending time with people and will talk your ear off, but only for short bursts of time as she gets mentally tired out easily. She knows about Spamton and sometimes leaves him food outside his shop, but she is too afraid to speak with him. She enjoys collecting glowing objects and trading them with other Spammlings for fun trinkets that catch her eye. She also visits her family as much as she can, and will always bring fresh produce when she does!

   As a Servit, she lives far away from the capital of her kind (she's originally from the city of Weavecoast), in the southern forests that is more at home to the Anuna. There she lives by herself in peace, collecting glowing mushrooms and wearing them on her head as a fun hat. She's friends with Artorias, the feared forest spirit that many don't survive meeting. She often leaves him offerings, and sometimes the two will sit down and have a good chat while eating her comfy home cooked meals. She's kindhearted and a bit awkward around others, but she's always willing to offer a helping hand to those who ask.

   As a Linker, she lives in the Linktree Forest. Panella enjoys feeding on the glowing mushrooms within the forest, and mostly keeps to herself. Sometimes she hunts small animals, but she prefers to just watch them most of the time. She's weird for her kind, but the rangers enjoy seeing her when she appears before them. Panella is a bit too friendly to them however, and they try to make her keep her distance in fear she will get used to people too much. So far, it isn't working, as she tends to follow them around when she sees them no matter what they do. Many have just given up and bring her snacks when they find her, which she is very happy about.

This design was created by PuppetBardSquare. < 333