


5 years, 9 months ago


Raging Operation Caretaker Prototype

R.O.C.P; Robbie


identifying as Non-Binary





Background by

Raging Operation Caretaker Prototype aka ROCP aka Robbie are built robot from Galaxic Techonologies Organization (GTO) by former Captain Colter in purpose of assistanting and defeating. They also caretaker of their commander and childrens, mainly by cooking foods, home cleaning and general as supportive figure.


  • Retrowave
  • Grilling
  • Gas
  • Quiet places
  • Sunflower


  • Loud noises
  • Concept of romance
  • Commends (hit or miss)
  • Water
  • -


  • Robbie was first kind of GTO robot experiment.
  • They have killed few citizens over in Distant Bay during The Greedy War, but Captain Colter put new chip to erase those data.
  • They can get bit overprotective to new commander/boss.
  • They got nickname Robbie the fact they always keep bright enegry during toughest times while also used to be planned name "Robert"

Design Notes

  • They often use their mechanic arms to anything
  • Their tail is the cable charger to charges themself

Robbie was built during Colter's experiment on building robots, as nobody would want to work with him, because they thought robots would just take over things and kill everybody. Of couse Colter denied that will ever happened and still built his first kind prototype assistant robot - R.O.C.P or Robbie as he likes to call them sometime, Robbie had to go through few trials and errors to have to take care of dummies Colter would usually put, mainly feeding the dummies, analyzing how to respond on emotional level as such when someone's sad and complaining to Robbie or such. The first five trials were very mixed as Robbie did good enough but still lack the careness and would respond rather negative violence rather than positve caring, but that negative violence would helped for more dangerous situations exmaple protecting the childrens or their commanders and employees or even everybody else as well.

Months has passed, and Colter during those months met Rachel - the shadow creature that resembles a fox aka their species "X-Solis" who became assiants of Colter personally, Robbie did noticed after few months Colter and Rachel been working together, they felt strange about it, they analyzied it and knew that was a feeling of Love, but it kept popping errors on general understanding of concept Love, which that was something Colter tried many attempts to fix that issue but never found out why. After seeing great succes on Robbie's programming of caretaker of childrens, and Colter's smaller projects such as hoverboards, laser shooters, glow-in-dark spectacles, which all used the amplified crystals down in Purvis's mines. Colter decided to show all those knowledges to citizens over in other planet "Tinagal" where former Novasville citizens left out of outrage, it happening during his first experiments on Robbie, despite those beliefs being different, Colter still wanted to help those people out there, so He, Rachel, Robbie and other of his small employee packed their resoruces, and belongings to travel over to Tinagal.

Things been going great! as they found out that Richard T. Baker the one who started the outrage on Novasville and his friend found discovery of Havenland - the island of Tinagal, they were very grateful of their helps, and even share their own resoruces of food, plants, enviroments and so much more in Havenland. Well..things been going TOO great, as after weeks of helping citizens in Havenland and "leader" Richard Baker, it all gone downhill when Robbie started hearing agruemnts between Colter and Richard Baker, Rachel and Robbie noticed that their commander began to talk less with them which Rachel was more upset about it and would often tell her feelings to Robbie about it. Robbie didn't minded it, but to them, it just had of feeling of rawness, just why they would been so upset on someone else not talking to them as much? was that suppose to be normal? they didn't knew but still comforts Rachel. One fateful day, War began to happen, everybody from each sides were so scared, Robbie did their best to protect both sides of parties until Colter commanded to kill any rebel Havenland citizens which Robbie obeyed but remember the shouts and screaming of Rachel begging to stop it, Robbie killed respectally amount of people who came too far, eventually it became too many of counts of death and that part made Colter regret his regret, the next day Colter came to Robbie, re-programmed their memories to a DVD disk to abandorn their memories of anykind, and shut them down and left them be in the mountain base they were all in.

Some times passed, 10 Years? 20 Years? unsure, but eventually someone DID turn them back on, and it weren't Colter nor Rachel, two shadow creatures, which one of resembles a tall cat and other seem to be another type of X-Solis, floating head and limbs, Robbie's alarm set off as they programmed an protective mode, which took a while to two unknown figures calmed their program down. Robbie scanned them both together to run any analyse which came out nothing, as one of the figures begged if they could stay here together, they both promised to clean the place around, which Robbie agreed after a while of analysing and asked futher more questions why they came here, after while a complicated explaining of their story. Robbie sensed a similar feeling, like they been through it before but never bothered any questions as "That would been impossible to remember all of it similarly, or having similar experiences." Robbie quoted. Now they dealing with two figures "Mr Dark" and "Shadow", primarly one Mr Dark as their commander, as he supposely has a "job" to dominate the world for validation, and also being another supporter to Shadow.

Mr Dark [ Commander/Boss ]

Their relationship is off, the moment Mr Dark started Robbie, they right away wanted kill him and Shadow until realizing there's no alarms, all dusty, Captain Colter isn't here - all odd. Later they decided to trust Mr Dark for little, pretty surprised that he never requested to kill anyone from Distant Bay, just mainly helping cooking and such, still Mr Dark gives more commends than that like spying on Nathan.

Shadow [ Acquaintance ]

Same with Robbie and Mr Dark, except, they both actually bonded together, Shadow reminds of Captain Colter's assistant, kind, loyal, entertaining to talk with, almost missing her, usually Robbie comfort for Shadow whenever Shad in under stress or in depression because his work or Mr Dark.

Matthew Baker [ Enemy ]

Probably Matthew doesn't know Robbie but oh they know they have gut feeling every wrong vibes of him! isn't he son of Richard T. Baker? the one started this war? what a madness...


My System rebooted.
I have slight memories of the past.
Why was i programmed to do?
I can't remove this.