Haunt (Taura)




Taura Seishin

Crisis Managment Team

"Life is way too short to be tired all the time" they say, thanks but I'll stick to staying dead then.

Haunt is not considered a full on "hero" like the others. She doesn't even have a place in the hero ranking. Like her colleagues, she works for the government and not an individual agency. She was trained as emergency backup for other heroes to call in when needed. The crisis managment team is small (consisting of 4 people), and yet surprisingly they have a lot of free time. Since the government is very picky into what does and does not count as a crisis, they are rarely required in the field. All 4 people in the team serve a different role. Taura fits into the 'support' one. Her job is to assist the other heroes and make their lives easier when handling a crisis. Wether it's keeping locals out of danger, helping out in the battlefield, or sometimes even as a distraction.




With a pragmatic and detached approach to life, Taura has a blend of smart and wit. She rarely holds her opinion back, openly expressing her views regardeless of others' status or age. Her upbringing has ultimately led her to accepting the inevitable social hierarchies. Though she sees the act of helping others as a total drag, she would probably (depending if she even has the energy to deal with the situation) step up. Even though she may seem aloof to strangers, she tends to have a far more relaxed and playful personality with her colleagues. As they describe her as a very calm "cat" since she sleeps most of the day and tends to mind her own buisness unless she needs something or wants to pull a prank on someone. Which tends to be more often than not.

  • Memes & Jokes
  • Being Sarcastic
  • Sleep
  • Debating stupid topics
  • Drinking (it's what she does 90% of the time)
  • People asking obvious questions
  • Being a leader (she's more of a second in command)
  • Being the center of attention
  • Waking up early
  • Any sort of deadline
  • She procrastinates A LOT
  • She likes to go drinking
  • She was inspired by Toph (ATLA), MaoMao (Apothecary diaries) and Garfield (yes, the cat)
  • She spends most of her time at a cafĂ© watching other heroes get their asses beat, it cracks her up a lot
  • She's a great teammate! She adapts to other heroes fighting style

Pray for Me - The Weeknd



This character does NOT have an official design for the ghost counter part. This was a choice made deliberately in order to give artists more creative freedom towards the design. She can be as cute or as scary as you want. She can shapeshift so she can be tiny or a big ferocious beast. She can also change colors so you have even MORE creative freedom! Use other artists interpretation of her as inspo if you want! If you're too lazy (totally understandbale LMAO) draw her in her human form.


"Sub-dps "

Haunt is described by others as an excellent teammate, quick on her feet and excelling when it comes to adapting to new situations. Her wit and sarcasm may deter some from working with her, but her natural cat-like curiosity is a nice little quirk that some may find charming. This is truly what sets her apart, as she is a quick visual learner. She fits the 'sub-dps' role perfectly in almost every team. Though surprisingly powerful, her major drawback is her lack of stamina (as her power depends solely on it) which makes her an unreliable main damage dealer, which is why when working with others she'll let them take the lead. She'll try to adapt to their fighting style to the best of her ability.






POWER [notes]

  • Her power relies fully on her energy and stamina
  • Her ghost form can take any shape depending on what she needs
  • When her energy runs out she returns to her human form and it's an instant K.O
  • She can make the ghost form tangible and untangible at will