Oraigami (Saiton)



1 month, 13 days ago


Designed by Renurei on discord

Saiton Raita

Crisis managment team leader

⠀⠀Paper Machete - Queens of the Stonge Age



basic info

good leader

Definitely an intimidating figure. A strict man with a great vision for the futre. At least how he would describe himself. All of his subordinates agree that he's all bark and no bite (MOST of the time). Though they would definitely NOT fuck around with him when he's angry.

He hates slow and inefficient people. Which is why he chose his team carefully, based off of their abilities on combat and their overall utility. Thanks to him, the ciris management department is full of... lazy and inefficient people? He forgot to check their personalities on the files. More often than not he keeps the team in check. He sees a lot of potential in them and doesn't want them to waste it. Though he'd never admit it to their face. He cannot physically admit when he's wrong. Wich is why instead of changing the team, he decided to stick with them and make it work.


A tough one to describe. Even if he seems angry most of the time, he's an outstanding leader who thrives on momentum and his accomplishments. He displays charisma and confidence to encourage others to follow the same goal.

He is very unforgiving and competitive. He values what others can bring to the table but can also be very critical of failure. Which tends to create conflict within the team. He heavily relies on feedback from his team. Which more often than not, Haunt is the one providing it. Making her his second in command.

Role in office

Oraigami is described by others as a strong-willed leader, though a very "my way or the high-way" type of guy. He values input on his ideas as long as they're not totally dimissed. He is not that easy to work with (as long as you're not part of his team of course). He tends to take on missions with people he already knows. Taking a "Main DPS" type of approach most of the time. He doesn't shut down the option to work with others. As long as you can keep up and use quick thinking, you'll be a valueable addition to the team.

Where others might give up and move on, Saiton will push everyone along with him, achieving spectacular results in the process.


It might seem like a lame power to have depending on who you ask (the crisis management department seems to agree), but the ability to control paper is no joke. Oraigami (or Rai for short) makes the argument that his power, is in fact, the most OP out of the group (he's delusional). Rai uses paper specifically made out of graphene, this allows him to build extremely durable barriers that can take massive hits without breaking. Due to the papers material, it is also very resistant against fire and is not so easily burnt. He can only use basic folds (as he doesn't know how to actually do orgiami) for his attacks, using them as projectiles. Due to his inability to do origami, instead of using one paper and folding it to fit his needs, he uses a stack of papers to form whatever he wants.


Blade Barrage

forms dozens of razor-sharp graphene paper blades and unleashes them in a rapid barrage towards their target. Each blade is precision-cut and capable of slicing through most materials with ease, inflicting severe damage on opponents. This ability combines speed, precision, and cutting power to overwhelm and incapacitate enemies in combat.

Construction Craft

Construction craft can be used in two ways. Rai creates a barrier to protect himself and allies, or it can be used to create a barrier to trap enemies inside. It closes in on them forcing them into a tight grip that neutralizes threats.


  • He uses both regular paper and graphene paper (he mostly uses grpahene)

  • He carries a stack of paper on the back of his belt (he didn't like how it looked on the front)

  • The paper on his forearm is used for emergencies only (what's written on it is very dear to him and nobody really knows what it is)


  • He really enjoys hiking. He takes Haunt with him sometimes (She fucking hates it)

  • Imaginative people

  • He enjoys celebrating with his team after a successful mission.


  • Close mindedness

  • Failure (it's one of his biggest fears)

  • People who lack passion


  • His team makes fun of him for having white hair. They constantly refer to him as 'old man'

  • Contrary to popular beleif, he doesn't know how to do origami. He named himself after it out of spite.

  • He hates having to do paperwork. He has his subordinates do it with the excuse that "he'll revise them later".

  • He has others carry his paperwork around. (He could easily make it float himself).