Draconis 'Drake' Aerbane



5 months, 19 days ago


Male (he/him), 42 years of age. Co-protagonist of Personal Hell.
Birthday is November 1st. Raw magic colouration is indigo.

Intimidating but nurturing, Drake wears his heart- and everything else- on his sleeve. Very analytical, but almost to a fault- he’s very quick to jump to conclusions and let his emotions get the better of him. However, his strong emotions work both ways- he’s got an enormous heart and will put his life on the line to protect what matters to him. Drake is highly self-conscious of his daemonic status, but doesn’t make any effort to hide it, as he figures that it would draw more attention than just having those features out in the open. Also employed at a local post-secondary, teaching magiscience theory. This explains his dressy fashion sense, though he has been known to wear more casual outfits when he has his days off. He’s skilled with wind magic above all else, and knows a thing or two about hand-to-hand combat as well.

Drake lost his father when he was a young adult to a magical plague that corrupts the body and soul. In his father’s absence, he raised his younger sister to adulthood while working his way through university to study magical science. When his studies concluded, he was invited to join a research project for a cure against the very same plague that took his father from him-- and jumped at the chance. 

What happened during that research project is largely unknown to most, but Drake went missing for the entirety of its ten-year duration- he met Alph, and was changed into a daemon during that time. No cure for the plague was found during the project. But oddly enough, he's somehow developed an unexplained immunity to the plague’s magical corruption, and a strange right eye that’s an anomaly even among daemons…

A few years after the project’s end, he founded a group known as the Ganymede- dedicated to finding a cure for the magical plague he was unable to cure, and fighting off the monsters that result from its corruption. Now, in the wake of his sister’s untimely demise, the group has found itself a third goal: investigate her murder alongside her son (and Drake’s newfound nephew), Roc, and protect him from meeting the same fate at all costs. This results in a very strong overprotective streak developing for Drake regarding his nephew- even moreso than the rest of his loved ones.

Likes: anything sweet, his team, mystery novels/shows
Dislikes: raw fruit, dragonflies, rainstorms