Roc Aerbane



2 months, 22 days ago


Male (he/him), 13 years of age. Co-protagonist of Personal Hell.
Birthday is August 14th. Non-magical...?

An energetic yet prickly kid, Roc finds himself struggling to navigate the whole ‘growing up’ issue amidst the recent loss of his mother. He has a powerful personality, and is somehow adorably innocent and expectedly dirty-minded for his age all at once. Roc is afraid of abandonment and desperately wants people to be around him. This can cause him to be snappy in one moment, and clingy in the next- he’s still learning to manage his emotions, after all. But above all else, he has a powerful sense of morality for someone of his age– even though it gets a little lost on the way out sometimes. Roc isn’t a shy kid, or necessarily a generally-disliked one– but he does attract some strange looks and some avoidance thanks to his odd hair colour. Typically white hair is a feature of Archae, one of the magical races, yet Roc has no magic to speak of. This doesn’t really bother him, though- it's just hair, as far as he's concerned, and he's got more to worry about than hair.

Roc lost his mother very recently to a tragic incident. This has affected him strongly, but thanks to being placed with a good foster family, he has gained two older brother figures (Chicory and Sage) out of the incident that have been instrumental in helping him recover. However, two months after his mother’s passing, Roc is saved from an insect-like monster by none other than his long-lost Uncle Drake– who his mother was never able to track down after his disappearance years ago. He joins the Ganymede, which is a group dedicated to supporting victims of a magical plague, with the promise of their help in discovering exactly what happened to his mother. 

Drake has since taken his nephew under his wing, and given Roc a piece of his family back that he never thought he’d have again. As such, he is deeply loyal to his uncle- probably trusting him more at first than he should, but does so out of desperation for familial connection. They can butt heads at times due to Drake’s overprotective tendencies and Roc’s relative emotional immaturity, but at the end of the day, he deeply cares for his uncle and wholeheartedly believes he is the Coolest Guy Ever™.

Likes: oranges, windy days, and hot chocolate
Dislikes: being left out of the loop, tea, and pork dishes