


2 months, 8 days ago


i'm three ounces of whoop-ass



clever . social . wild


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true to her namesake: midge is adaptable, persistent, tiny, and annoying to many people.

a mute werewolf with a shadowy past she struggles to recall...midge is driven by a desire to make the most of hard-won freedom. her silence masks some of her mischievious, friendly demeanor-which in turn masks the parts of her still shattered from her inner wounds.

Song - Artist

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alias | (formerly) soomin myeong

occupation | (former) cook

gender | ciswoman

pronouns | she/hers

age | 25 (human)/2.5 (wolf)

ethnicity | korean

birthplace | inner city

status | confused

height | 5'0" (petite)

build | 97lbs (slender/athletic)

baking 85

stealth 90

deception 40

comfort 73

literacy 40

speed 95

paranoia 59

beetles eaten 05

survival 99

patience 35


  • beaten-up supernatural history book
    • missing entire chapters, stained, water-damaged and written to be irreparably dull; cherished. learning to read from it.
  • dented thermos
    • dropped it on a rock while tree-climbing. grey-ish, chipped paint. often holds tea.
  • (2) pens
    • for writing messages, rarely used. chew marks.
  • canvas bag
    • utility item; often filled with foraged mushrooms and nuts. secret pocket with an empty money stash in the side.

midge has come out on the other side of hell not knowing where she comes from, but she knows who she is, in all the important ways. she lives her life authentically and cherishes her freedom with all the viciousness of someone who knows what it's like to have it taken away. she does not speak, but makes her opinion heard at every oppurtunity-she does not live quietly. impish, cheerful and energetic, she works hard to cheer up those around her, and mask the myriad of ways her past still haunts her. a bubbly personality gives way to a focused, pragmatic wrath in the face of perceived threats.

Survival over all. Her actions are typically driven by this central desire, to ensure her survival. However, she is a revolutionary and committed to the cause all the same. Loyal to her allies, but willing to backstab others just as easily as she is prone to random acts of altruism. Moral core seems chaotic neutral, but flexible to the effects of her inner nurturer and traumas. Highly willing to go to (normally) morally questionable means to get to a desired end.

phobias and manias
Hates to be ignored or spoken over. Manhandling is retaliated against with violence more often than not. Fears losing control, or losing more of her identity. Notably skittish of electricity, restriants and figures of authority. Avoidant of solitude. Reactive to perceived threats as much as real ones.

before the wolf

mentions of fantasty discrimination, dehumanization, domestic abuse

midge: a small, two-winged fly.

midge was born as soomin, the only child of her parents. she was much-beloved as a child, and a known chatterbox as well as full of energy. she ws nicknamed, affectionately, 'midge' for her tendency to buzz with her words as she ran circles around her poor parents. soomin's cheerful energy and impulsivity did lead her down a darker path, though, as she was prone to following her whims and resisting the authority of those around her. she got into fights frequently, mouthed off to her teachers, and often ran wild in the streets of the city with her friend from the local orphanage. soomin struggled in school, and was expelled twice by the time she was sixteen, when she became a missing person instead.

the lone dam

soomin never recalls the exact circumstances of her Turning, only remembers her dam-the wolf who turned her-afterward. while some werewolves struggle with accepting themselves, the new lupine part of themselves, soomin took to lycanthropy like a duck to water. while she adapted easily, she was only sixteen and did not return to her parents after her turning, sure that they would not accept her. in truth, soomin just didn't want to prove to them irrevocably that she was a disappointment in yet another way. werewolves and other supernatural species were already seen as outsiders in their society, and soomin was reluctant to face her parents' rejection. her dam's constant isolation of soomin from the rest of the world and her controlling behavior only further made soomin unwilling to go home. as her dam's control turned from troubling to manipulative to harmful, soomin's memories of her past before the incredibly stressful moments of Turning began to fade. survival became more important, especially as supernatural species came under more and more fire from the rest of the world.

this chaotic time, as more restrictions cracked down on werewolves and others, allowed midge to slip her leash and run free. she didn't get far-she had dropped out of high school at sixteen, had no income, no job, no prospects. crime only got her thrown briefly into jail, where she encountered the werewolf that would serve as a lighthouse in the storm her life was about to become: echo. midge and echo hit it off immediately; two strange people, in their own ways. they proceeded to more or less chase each other in and out of the logal system over a few more years, as the situation with the supernatural species grew more dire.

the vinculum

The Vinculum was the name of the secret prison-gulag Midge and most other supernatural species the government could capture before they all fled to the Outskirts were sent to. There, to make sure she was able to be tracked and couldn't 'hurt anyone', she was branded and collared to ensure she could not shift. There, Midge was more or less in constant peril and dehumanized more egregiously than ever before. Years passed, and the rest of her memories, her identity, even her voice faded away. When the supernatural Revolution staged a prison break and rescued her, Midge found herself unable to speak-but Echo had been in the Vinculum as well, and the two friends reunited. With Echo, and a bit of time, Midge found herself willing to whisper her words to him-bringing up from the faded memories of a childhood she could no longer recall the name that suited her best: Midge.

Character Name


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Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Contact | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Contact | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

lyrics or a short phrase here


scent | citrus & bergamot

voice | none

zodiac | content

tarot | the chariot?

alignment | chaotic neutral

MBTI | content

enneagram | content

element | air

  • Eyes are gold in all forms due to lycranthropy
  • Above average strength, speed, etc in human form due to lycanthropy
  • Sensitive to the scent of ginger.
  • Favorite foods are fresh fruits & red meat. Hates chocolate.
  • Didn't finish high school, but doesn't remember that.
  • Turned, not born werewolf, but arguably more comfortable in both skins than some born wolves.
  • In her human form, Midge has a brand from the Vinculum at the nape of her neck.
  • In her wolf form, Midge has a hairless scar at the nape of her neck.

code by Leporidebug / layout by Togo / artworks by username, username .