


26 days, 17 hours ago


born from a poor family, they knew they couldn't afford to teach their son powerful magics, and worked instead on teaching him aural sensitivity and musical knack. 

his best subject is the one-handed organistrum, but is highly proficient at all stringed instruments and keyed instruments.

he is very sheltered and has come to work at the yasiara for the pay. he is a bit foolish and naive on the finer points of the inn, and is not so much skittish around those more brazen and 'lowly', but instead quietly curious.

the blue marks on him are paints/markings that his family considers magical in theory (and maybe they are!) to help him with his musical skills
the dark markings on his fingers and ears are tattoos that are basically the same magical conduits that his makeup provides, just permanent. every morning he puts on his makeup and when he's ready to sleep, he wipes it off
his hearing is ridiculously good, even as far as elves go
he's a shorty shorty shrimp
he hates his own hair and is tempted to cut it but his family groomed him particular to give him a 'beautiful' look and he cares even after being sold to the inn how he comes off (in their eyes)