


Basic Info




demipanromantic greysexual


Head of the cozy underworld town’s council. She has powerful magic, a strong head on her shoulders and a sense of justice stronger than anyone’s in the town. She’s confident, logical, and know what’s the best course of actions. She also doesn’t partake in the mean teasing other council members often initiate towards one disliked yet innocent council member. If you’re hiding something she’ll know and discover what it is, best to have her as an ally. Not like it’s hard, you just have to be respectful and not pose a threat to her town. She can be very friendly, but she's not the greatest at feeling... reachable. She's not too great socially, and while as I said she can be very nice and open, it's still hard for her to get every joke or to feel truly included. Her rank precedes her, and she never really drop her natural graceful I-am-the-chieftain air, and people usually feels her to be somewhat distant because of it, no matter how many outings she does with the rest of the villagers

She lives in a relatively big and fine house, she has a sand garden and pretty plants, traditional japanese architecture and furnitures. She herself is pretty graceful, she enjoys tea, especially jasmin tea. Her biggest hobby is ikebana, she puts a good deal of time learning flower symbolism, importing flowr species and getting the fanciest and prettiest vases, and making the flower arrangements itself ofc. She changes out the flower arrangements around her house at least once a week, though she does keep some of her favorites around. She gets antsy if she doesn't do something related to ikebana for some days. Apart from that she's a big workaholic, and the safety and health of her town occupies most of her thoughts and she can become a bit too stressed out, so ikebana really is a wonderful thing for her to chillax a bit.

npc, recurring character, she gives out sidequests (and makes up an important portion of the main plot) for the main character, and has a bit of a mentor role, she starts out cold them start to warm up to the protag as the story goes and you fulfill more quests. 

She’s the chief of the village council and while the other council members also have tasks, Kumiko broadly  works in political arrangements, ressource management and peace keeper. No one has higher authority around, but she is a fine lady. She’s refined and nice, though wary of strangers and has a no nonsense attitude while working. She’s highly respected, and not for lack of reasons. She also is a mighty fighter, just don't get on her bad side and it'll go great.