


5 years, 8 months ago



Name Veles
Age 26
Build Tall and Buff
Species Aerolin - Halfdata
Gender Male
Oreint. Gay
Nicknames Vel, Velly
Occupation Bodyguard
Creator txkumi
Taken? Yes
Design Notes

Veles is a halfdata! So that means his arms are fluffy, and his hands are more like claws! The fur is much coarser than an aerolin’s, however Veles tries to soften it up a bit by using conditioner on it. That only kind of works, but at least they smell nice?

He’s usually a stoic man, though it is tough to see his expressions because Veles tends to wear a medical mask when he’s out in public. He wears this because his face is covered in scars, and instead of being stared at by people he prefers to wear the mask.

  • His wings are optional.
  • He is very tall ! He usually towers over the other low-highs
  • Though he’s usually deadpanned Veles is capable of other emotions !
  • He has scars all over his face, hence why he wears the mask.

Around strangers and acquaintances Veles is usually more on the reserved side. He just wants to do whatever he is doing and leave to go home. He’s not one for conversation either, only giving small “yes” or “no” answers; He doesn’t do this to be rude, he just isn’t really into interacting with people he doesn’t know.

However, at home is a whole different story for Velly. At home he is much, much more open! He talks more, is much more expression, and even keeps his mask off so his boyfriend can see all of his dumb face. Not to mention Veles is also very domestic! While Yuu is at work Veles is the one in charge of the house. He cooks, cleans, and looks after their pets. He wants to make sure the house is in perfect shape for when Yuu gets home! However sometimes he tags along with Yuu and visits the Yakuza house; This usually ends with him beating the shit out Zed. Only because Zed said smth bad about his boyfriend, and Veles decided that it was time for kill.

  • Veles is very affectionate to those he loves! He will do /anything/ for them.
  • He’s the kind of man who refers to his pets as his “children”
  • Velly wants to marry Yuu one day. He loves that man so much.
  • It seems odd for someone like him to be the stay at home partner. But honestly, he loves it.
Story Summary



  • Veles only rly wears his mask in public. In private, and at work it's usually off.
  • He has a secret soft side, this usually comes out with Yuu and the pets.
  • He has an alpha complex. Veles sees himself as the top dog.
  • Though he has an alpha complex, he sees Yuu as way above him.

  • Yuu :blushu:
  • Anything soft. Furs, blankets, anything.
  • He's a sucker for Romcoms
  • Fighting. Or just proving his strength in general.

  • Zed. He's gonna fucking kill that dragon.
  • Having to be loud.
  • Having to file his horns when they get too long.

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Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam. Cras eu porta tortor, sed auctor tellus. Morbi aliquam erat mauris, ut luctus mauris volutpat ut. Morbi metus quam, posuere id sagittis pharetra, venenatis id mi. Aenean eleifend feugiat odio ut malesuada. Etiam vulputate mollis erat, non auctor tellus rutrum ultrices. Cras id orci pharetra, finibus lacus vitae, dapibus nisl. Pellentesque id dolor quis sapien ultrices pharetra vitae sit amet sem. Nam venenatis imperdiet quam, ut accumsan justo egestas placerat. Sed facilisis varius fringilla.