Wu Anxi



5 years, 9 months ago




Name Wu, Anxi 【武 安喜】
Alias The Scorpion Alchemist
Age 27 | June 1st 1852
Gender Female
Zodiac .& Bloodtype Gemini | B+
Height 148.8 cm
Weight 41 kg
Race Xingese
Occupation State Alchemist
Specialty Acid & Poison Alchemy




Wu, Anxi

Write your intro here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula.



Over Eager | Amiable | Superstitious | Excitable | Empathetic | Generous | Focused

First and foremost, Anxi is a lover of knowledge. She prides herself in her wide variety of favored books and is always eager to share a factoid or two. When excited or you bring up a particular topic she favors, Anxi can ramble on end about it. She'll pull up references and draw out charts, often oblivious to the interest of the person she is talking to. To the point you could probably leave her there chattering on and she wont notice you've left until she finally finishes her speech. Friendly and social, she'll happily talk to others even if she spends quite a bit of her time among the rows and rows of books in the library. Despite her age, Anxi retains a few childish traits. She isn't against puffing her cheeks up or sulking when things don't turned out as planned. And she is notorious for her fear of ghost stories and anything that can't be explained by science.

Rather empathetic, Anxi has difficulty turning a blind eye to people crying or in need of help. Though she isn't the most self sacrificing, she'll at least help out as long as it doesn't put her own life at risk. The exception to this rule comes when Anxi is returning a favor, for she can be quite generous when she feels the she is in the debt of someone. When working on something she is varied tuned in and focused, to the point it is hard to distract her and she loses track of time or of what is going on around her.This tunnel vision keeps her from noticing even being poked at or loud voices right by her. You would probably have to push her out of the chair to get her to snap out of it. Hours will pass and Anxi will still be working away into the late night. Day to day, Anxi is not the one for spontaneity and prefers to stick to order and structure, even to the point of being slightly nitpicky when it comes to being surprised or things throwing her off the path she set out.

When she really wants something, Anxi can be quite pushy. Though poor at debate and convincing people, she will stubbornly try her best to win people over. Either by sheer earnest determination or by restoring to more childish means. Though she prefers to be seen as an adult and wants to be viewed as being mature, her stubborn nature and pure optimism usually ruin her attempts. When teased or mocked she usually resorts to whining or sulking, flailing her arms about in protest. Despite it all, she can handle stress well and after taking breaks can usually press forward with whatever she was trying to accomplish. Her brakes usually just involve indulging in food and complaining about things not turning out.



  • Smell of Books
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Homemade Food
  • Puzzles
  • Winter


  • The Dark
  • Ghost Stories
  • Bitter Food
  • Heights
  • Chivalrous Actions


Anxi's story begin with her father, a man who was once the doctor to one of the Xing clan nobles. Using alkahestry he worked on healing ailments as well as studying to expand his own knowledge. When he learned about the existence of alchemy he tried his best to study it in Xing but could only get so far without the true experience. And so he and Anxi's mother moved to Amestris where they found a small town home to live, setting up a clinic and immersing themselves in their studying and work. A few years later Anxi was born, a cheerful and healthy baby.

From there Anxi studied under the care of her parents, growing up in the calm peace and helping out her parents when they needed it. Growing up she picked up her interest in alchemy from her parents, paying it more heed than her family's history in alkahestry. It wasn't until she was 18 when Anxi did her first transmutation, excited and bubbling with energy she studied harder practicing best she could. But it wasn't enough, there was only so much she could learn without resources and backing, and so she decided to take the plunge. At 22 Anxi passed the State Alchemist Exam, entering the ranks as the Scorpion Alchemist.

Fighting Style

The Scorpion Alchemist | Acid & Poison Alchemy
Anxi's alchemy specializes in the rearranging of molecules into acidic and poisonous compounds, leaning towards ones effective against organic compounds. Due to focusing on liquids precise aim depends largely on her own application and as such she sticks to mid range when it comes to compounds. She can create anything from acid rain to tossing vials of the liquid. With physical contact and using her alchemy tattoos, Anxi can create poisons within the bloodstream. As a counter to her own ability, she is able to structure both bases and antidotes as well but only to known compounds.


  • Anxi dislikes being out at night so much that when she accidentally stays out late at the library she usually chooses to sleep there instead of going home alone in the dark
  • Most of Anxi's funds for research go towards helping her parents out
  • Anxi has a bad habit of collecting things, or taking free stuff, for the "sake of science". She'll eagerly raise her hand if anyone wants to get rid of something
  • Can be easily distracted by dogs or cats and when sees them always wants to go and pet them
  • Can be easily distracted by dogs or cats and when sees them always wants to go and pet them
  • Sometimes Anxi can be found studying cooking books instead of just alchemy books, due to her fondness of homecooked food
  • Growing up with her father's medicinal books, Anxi has knowledge of basic first aid as well as the components of medicine, namely herbal. She uses this mostly to mix the side effects together in her alchemy
  • Anxi is fluent in Xingese and speaks it at home with her parents, all her alchemy notes are writen in a code in Xingese. She cannot speak it but she does recognize some words in Cretian from looking at old alchemy research from the area
  • Having smuggled cats into the barracks, Anxi takes time to feed and play with them every morning
  • She named one of the cats Biscuit and her daughter, Muffin and spoils them with attention
  • Befriended the butcher to get scraps and also the bones for her experiments
  • content
  • A character of the roleplay group A--letheia




[ alchemy tattoos ]

Tattoo'd onto the palm of her right hand, Anxi's personal circle for the use of her specialized alchemy.


[ chalk ]

For on the spot alchemy circle creation, stored in a small pouch.


[ vials ]

Various sized vials and corks used to store and transport Anxi's creations as well as throw them at targets.


[ earth alchemy ]

A tome that allows you to unlock simple earth transmutation such as the creation of walls, which you can use as a temporary barrier.


[ cretain cigarettes ]

Picked up at the search of the shack, Anxi sometimes uses them to bribe Burt. She is currently studying them to recreate.


[ deck of cards ]

Found along side the cigs, she kept these for something to fiddle with when bored.


Atticus Ainsworth

[ acquaintance ]

Her partner in the crime of curiosity. Anxi likes to share random facts and talk nerdy book stuff with him.If she learns anything particularly interesting, she'll most likely tell him as one of the first few people to be subjected to her excited rambling.

Corinne Lukainov

[ friend ]

After a few team ups and partnering in the Forest Maze Event, Anxi would like to think of her and Corinne as friends and quite the nice sort of team. She'd definitely have no qualms with hanging out more or partnering again in anything else.

Henrietta Stonewater

[ friend ]

Science Buddies! Anxi is helping Etta with her experiments and in return Etta is helping her research applications of alchemy vs alkehestry along with various other collaboration works. Plus, of course, Etta is her brave Guardian of the Night. Anxi will insist she is very sweet and likes to pay Etta back by buying meals for her.

Hubert Valentine

[ friend with benefits ]

Her Ladder, Food Bringer, and Rant Buddy. They have a very odd balance of annoyance and pouting compared to reluctant care taking. Anxi stops by his room at least twice a day to feed and change the litter box of the cats in his and Oscar's room. The night shift usually due to him dragging her back to the barracks from the library in the middle of the night. Now and then she is a drinking buddy of his as well.

Lukas Ravel

[ partner in crime ]

Anxi would like to think of Lukas as her best friend on the barracks and has no problem getting involved in any antics... as long as she's warned ahead of time. He is another person that she'll rush to tell new and exciting things to. As her partner in the Cat Smuggling Ring, Anxi will also eagerly introduce him to any new cats she finds.

Malik Amirmoez

[ acquaintance ]

A nice guy, Anxi believes she owes him a lot of favors in exchange for all the time he's helped her remember to eat.

Oscar Cadwell

[ friend (?) ]

Very helpful, though she isn't sure his motives are entirely innocent. All the same, she thinks of him as a friend and is happy to hang out and chat or have help with her experiments.

Xiaolian Lockwood

[ acquaintance ]

Anxi likes to talk and hang out with her now and then, she'll gladly give a full lecture on history or language at any time.

Ying-Xin Zhan

[ acquaintance ]

She just really wants him to drink the sleep aid tea. Please drink the tea, Ying. Even if he sometimes helps her get back to the barracks in the dark, she finds herself fussing over him too. Thinking them as friends, Anxi loves the chance to speak Xingese with him and will chatter on very happily... even if he isn't listening.