Louis Gray



1 month, 24 days ago



Personality Theme: Best Friend - Rex Orange County 🎵

other: Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest

Full name: Louis Gray

Nicknames: "Loui" or "The Raven's Wolf" by the 'Granny' who owns a coffee shop.

Species: Half Wolf - Half Golden Retriever

Pronouns: He/Him ofc.

Orientation: Secretly Bisexual

> a bit shy, blunt, silly and sarcastic. overall, a kind and brave soul, just not his dark side.

(His Grandfather, who fought in the greatest war was a half Gray wolf/Dire Wolf. Passed down his powers, to his Father, and his father passed it to him)

> Before going solo, he was part of a tribe or pack. He tried various jobs, fucked up a few, and got fired. Then he crossed paths with Raven, initially clashing with him in a fight. Their next encounter led to him being hired as a guard at Black Org, where Raven became his mentor. Over time, they transitioned from foes to friends. Two years later, he earned a promotion to the "Knight" role and became Raven's personal bodyguard.


> He is the official bodygaurd of Mr. Crowley.

> Part of the BlackOut. Org as well, Serving as "Knight" role.


> He's the type of person that "everyone wanys to hang out with" and "a bit tupid but smart at serious times"

> Yes, He lives with his boss because he got no where else to go and he definitely don't want to come back to the staff rooms.

> surprisingly smart and tactical

> "Not gay just close friends" relationship with someone

> Deep inside, He's very insecure, Self Doubting, And doesnt take care of himself, he always cares for others before himself. (in a bad way).

> His eyes go bright red if you anger him grggrhrrrrr

> Likes country music so much

> his 34 in age (He's ageless because his father was immortal, like father like son)

> He likes Raven and he doesn't even know it

> 1st golden retriever and Wolf hybrid of his pack.

[new info 1.0]

> Birthday is Valentines

> Doesn't like drinking but he's not lightweight 

> His brother is scared of Raven (He knows it too)

> if you don't respect the people he loves then he will lose his respect to you in every way possible.


Bummerland, here I am
Better nix my summer plans
Bummerland, give a cheer
'Cause you're only going up from here

Bell Kalengar / Studio Inverstigrave
From The Start (Laufey Cover)
Good Kid

Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate
"She's so perfect, " blah, blah, blah
Oh, how I wish you'll wake up one day
Run to me, confess your love, at least just let me say...

- The sun -
Lou / Loui
- nickname
- gender
- orientation
34 (Ageless)
- age
May 3rd
- birthday
Saarloos Wolfdog
- species
" It's raining bad out here, don't you think? "
Louis, known as Loui to his colleagues and friends, is a wolf-dog with a shy and blunt personality. He is known for his silly and sarcastic sense of humor, which endears him to those who get to know him well. Overall, he is a kind and brave soul, though he struggles with self-doubt and self-destructiveness. Additionally, Loui is loyal, dependable, and sometimes a bit stubborn. Originally the god of the sun, Louis was sent by the great god to find a specific individual. With little context, the great god only provided the place Louis was supposed to watch, without revealing the individual's name. To complete this mission, Louis created a semi-immortal body for himself. He now works as a high-ranking member of Blackout Org, where he occasionally checks on report statuses from the workers and 'hunters.' Additionally, he serves as the official personal bodyguard of Mr. Crowley.
Loyal . trait . trait
hesitant . optimistic . shy
Sarcastic . Aggressive . Insecure
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Nunc vel ante sit amet tortor egestas blandit. Suspendisse sed congue ex, fringilla efficitur felis. Donec nisi mi, tincidunt eu ex at, sodales congue ligula. Suspendisse in diam rutrum, rutrum velit ut, eleifend felis. Cras at nulla at ex sagittis euismod in a magna. Vestibulum non dignissim dolor.
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L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi justo augue, venenatis vel faucibus ut, fringilla eget ligula. Quisque est leo, vehicula a scelerisque vitae, ultricies a ipsum. Nunc a commodo augue, non ornare metus. Donec tellus massa, tempor nec ante sed, consequat malesuada nunc. Phasellus suscipit vestibulum urna aliquam aliquet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Nunc vel ante sit amet tortor egestas blandit. Suspendisse sed congue ex, fringilla efficitur felis. Donec nisi mi, tincidunt eu ex at, sodales congue ligula. Suspendisse in diam rutrum, rutrum velit ut, eleifend felis. Cras at nulla at ex sagittis euismod in a magna. Vestibulum non dignissim dolor.
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L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi justo augue, venenatis vel faucibus ut, fringilla eget ligula. Quisque est leo, vehicula a scelerisque vitae, ultricies a ipsum. Nunc a commodo augue, non ornare metus. Donec tellus massa, tempor nec ante sed, consequat malesuada nunc. Phasellus suscipit vestibulum urna aliquam aliquet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
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" quote here ~ "
L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi justo augue, venenatis vel faucibus ut, fringilla eget ligula. Quisque est leo, vehicula a scelerisque vitae, ultricies a ipsum. Nunc a commodo augue, non ornare metus.
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" quote here ~ "
L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi justo augue, venenatis vel faucibus ut, fringilla eget ligula. Quisque est leo, vehicula a scelerisque vitae, ultricies a ipsum. Nunc a commodo augue, non ornare metus.