Aqua's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

EolaNX Global Rules

Character Terms of Service (Last updated 18-4-2024)

When owning a design from me you agree to this Terms of Service:


Main Terms of Service (Counts on all designs)


1. The owner of this character can change the gender like: Male to female/female to male, sexuality and other things as long it's been kept as SFW (Safe for work).

2. The owner of this character can change the design at own free will, as long it resembles/looks like the old design, you can add your user as a designer if you redesigned my design.

3. The owner of this character can sell the character with real money if they have have recieved commission art from real money from a seller. When the commission art is added ask me to change the character tradeability to ''Can resell.''

Not allowed:

1. Do not send any of my designs to a character shelter or a character hoarder since my designs will collect dust and sitting there doing nothing. Instead return the character to me.

2. Do not use any of my designs in ''Give/gift a character get a character'' forums, i prefer that the character is used than collecting dust and gifted/traded over and over again.

3. Same in the allowed section, Do not sell my design(s) for real money unless they have a legit commission art added to the character's gallery. Also don't use my designs for commercial use unless asked.

4. Do not use my designs for 18+/sexual purposes, it makes me extremely uncomfortable. owning you my design.

5. Do not transfer my designs to another site than ToyHouse even if it's credited, i will lose track on any of my designs where everything is. Or delete any of my designs from ToyHouse. Also do not raffle or auction my designs.

6. Do not remove my credit as the creator, do not reupload the character then as your own. 


I really love my characters same goes to the characters i have given away. I really love if they are active being used and being cared for. Thanks for reading!