HQ-MQ fursuit foam base ($20)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

asteriixx Global Rules

View the full design T.O.S  here ~> https://asteriixx-art.carrd.co/#tos


You may regift, retrade, or resell my designs, but you may only sell this character if you have additional art for them (I prefer if art if bought, but personal artwork can add value as long as its not a shitpost!), if not bought for $. ~ Not following this simple term will result in a blacklist.


Any designs that you received for free must have additional art BOUGHT for them in order to sell them.


You may  edit the characters lines/design that I drew. Though it's preferred that you draw it yourself (or commission someone). Also, if you receive a design (that I made), do not remove the "asteriixx design" tag. That is to help me gain reputation, thanks<3 ~ Not following this term will result in a blacklist.


You are free to put any of MY designs on private as long as I am authorized! OR given a access key! ~ Not following this term will result in a blacklist and possibly the removal of said character.


~NOTE: do NOT harass these people.~
also, no one shall ever sell/trade/giveaway designs to people on my blacklist or you will be added as well.

3/18/24- VincentTheServal ; did not keep my design tag nor add it back after asking.