Grandmother | Liàn Seishin



22 days, 15 hours ago


Chinese Grandmother [Raised by]

Name: Liàn Seishin

Meaning: Chain[ed] Spirit

Once a happy-go-lucky lady, she was quick to fall in love with Mister Ushinatta and the two married so that she could return with him to Japan after his next visit. While she dreamed of having a big family, her pregnancy and birth of Suodìng was nothing but a nightmare, becoming something she refused to do ever again. She blamed this for why the two never held a bond and only became worse once Souding entered school and Liàn became a Tiger Mom.

While she was grateful to have another try with Ushi, she couldn't help but feel disappoint towards her daughter. Things only became worse after her husband's untimely death. When Suodìng tried to take Ushi back, Liàn snapped. Taking control of her late husband's stocks, she invested in security.

Not knowing how to raise someone like Ushi, she turned the child's focus to her studies in hope that she would grow up smart enough to choose a high buying job as well. This however turned her into an even worse Tiger Mom than before. At times she regrets these choices but states that it was for the best and that nothing else could have been done.

Hoping that becoming a Senshi will heal Ushi of all her problems, she is using all her resources to give Ushi the best chance she can.