Nimda Obstructica



2 months, 4 days ago


Height: 6ft 6in
Weight: 112lbs
Pronouns: She/They
Orientation: Unknown
Age: 34

Nimda can be depicted as an Addison from Deltarune (created by Toby Fox), a Spammling (created by MissyZero), or a Servit/Linker!

   A vicious computer virus who makes everyone she dislikes suffer. She was one of the first Spammlings to be adopted by Honee Bee, and for a time things were ok. She was given the attention and love she lacked having grown up a bit on the streets, but even still she struggled to deal with her adoptive mother's overbearing nature. They had been rescued by Honee from a pair of Addisons who had been threatening them after they stole a bit of food to eat (they were starving and desperate at the time). Having been hurt by the duo and witnessing the death of one by a virulent Honee, she learned that the world can be a dark place at times fast. But then she had a home and someone who loved and cared about her, even if it took a long time to adjust to it. Things were good, until Cheques came along.

   She never liked her new sibling, and would go out of her way to be rude or sometimes downright nasty towards him. Still he hung around her though, much to her dismay. They didn't care about what he wanted to do in life, and would get angry if the Addisons were ever mentioned. She just couldn't understand why he would want to be like them when they were clearly horrible monsters who hated people like her. In her mind, everyone was against her and others like her, and she let this belief poison her against others. Eventually one day she would lose her cool and change into her virus form to violently attack Cheques. Even to this day they aren't sure if they even meant to do it, but they struggle with the thought that they enjoyed hurting someone they were supposed to care about. Some days they are ok with the idea, and other days they lament over what could have been if they had just been able to handle their emotions better.

   After being banished from their home, Nimda returned to the streets and chose to avoid others as much as possible. She would steal to live, and started hurting others she considered beneath her. She wouldn't let anyone get close to her in fear it might bring about more guilt and shame. Sometimes they think about returning to apologize, but their pride keeps them from doing so. No, they are fine on their own.

   They aren't great at handling affection or acts of kindness, and prefer to stick with themselves. She gets lonely at times, but tries to justify being alone by saying she doesn't need anyone in her life. Who knows what sort of trouble they might get into as they consume more data and grow.

This design was created by PuppetBardSquare. < 333