Cheques "Checkers" Datavier



Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 115lbs
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 24
Nickname: Checkers/Check

Cheques can be depicted as an Addison from Deltarune (created by Toby Fox), a Spammling (created by MissyZero), or a Servit/Linker!
Icon was made by Cat90049! < 333

   Cheques was adopted by Honee Bee a short time after Nimda and just wanted nothing more than to impress and love his new found family. He would follow Nimda everywhere, hoping to learn from her and become best friends. Cheques would often try to walk only on his back legs in an effort to grow up faster (in his mind, he thought if he could walk around like Addisons do, then he would quickly become one himself and be able to help his family more). Nimda would constantly get angry at him for this, saying how stupid it was to think that and would ask why he wanted to be like the Addisons. Cheques didn't know what Nimda had been through, but he tried to explain he wanted to advertise and sell things to pay back for the wonderful home he had now. He would often talk about the different things he wanted to sell, such as heart shaped candies, specialty flowers, or even personalized cards for special occasions. He was a pure hearted kid who just wanted to share his love to those around him. Nimda broke that for him.

   It wasn't known why it had happened, but something in Nimda snapped one day, and she attacked Cheques after switching to her virus form. He had been horribly injured, but thankfully Honee and little Capri were there to rescue him. Honee flew into a rage and confronted Nimda, the two squaring up as two very pissed off monsters. There was no violence however as Honee roared at them to just leave. Nimda did, something Honee regrets to this very day, but in the moment she had to protect her youngest at the time. Capri and Honee brought him inside and did their best to heal him, but despite his physical wounds being healed it couldn't heal the emotional and mental anguish Cheques was in. He had been hurt by someone he had called a sibling and friend, and it would take years for him to even start to get over it.

   As an adult, Cheques isn't sure what he wants to do in life. His past dreams have mostly gone out the window out of fear, but he still holds some hope that maybe he will be able to become a good advertiser of some kind. He spends a lot of time with Capri and his other younger siblings, but sometimes he needs to be by himself just to mull over his thoughts. He's still a kind hearted guy and is relatively good natured, but is much more subdued when it comes to trying to make friends. He still thinks about Nimda to this day and wonders if she's ok out there. Despite her hurting him and usually being nasty to him, part of him still worries for her and hopes one day she will apologize for how things turned out.

Needs: Adult and virus forms