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I will love to start my own species and share em with ppl to make em happy!:0 i will be active with these bbys!:3 they seem so fun to draw and i already have lore ideas in mind. Thank you for the chance!:3

I will add many traits and cool events for the members they will also have there own cool discord server

Omg I would absoluteley LOVE to have these guys, especially the anthros. I don't own any species but I've always always wanted one. I'd theme them around shrimp or fish in general, thats what they remind me of! I already have name ideas (ex: Shrimples, Yushimos, Luares, etc!) and I think I could do a lot with them, I appreciate the opportunity sm! I have enough coding experience to make a website, and I'll get a discord set up! ^^

Adding onto this:

Discord has been made, still a WIP cause of work ;;

I would love to adopt this species!! I’m someone who’s super into species and I tried to create my own that looked unique but failed many times. I think this species is super cute and I would love to take them under my wing!

I’ll make a while discord server for em too so people can chat there.
also if you’re into species as well I can create you a personal zip if I get this species!
here’s what zips look like btw!

Thank you for the opportunity tho!

Adding onto this <3

I already set up a species server so I could use that for these guys. I also know a person who can help with a master list. I made a sheet for mutations regarding this species as a WIP

Here’s the server! It’s still a WIP

Name ideas: Zalopex, Serix, Leontopus, Synthorias. (I’ll just use the last one in the lore ideas, but I’m not sure if that’s the one I wanna 100% stick with)



Introduction to Synthorias (Thoras/Syn)

Synthorias are often affectionately referred to as "Syn," are a captivating species that combines the characteristics of a fluffy small mammal and shrimps. They possess the remarkable ability to shift between anthropomorphic and feral forms.

Synthorias are celebrated for their lively and playful nature, making them a truly unique addition to the world of fantastical creatures.


1. Head Structure:
- circle-like shape
- basic, almond shaped, glaring eyes.
- Whiskers on the sides of their face to help serve as a sensory function. Allowing Synthorias to judge the distance between things and how far away objects are from their face and body, their whiskers help with the ability to detect the slightest vibration in the air.

2. Antennas:
- Their antennas with two eyes on them. Their antennas are sensitive to touch, smell and sound. 

- The eyes in the antennas are able to seen through but are nearsighted.

3. Charms???

4. Bodies:
- Range of shapes, from slender to plump.

5. Tails:
- Curly (or not) and fluffy shrimp tail.

6. Diet:
- Diverse preferences including meat, fruit, berries, insects, and sweets.

7. Mutations:
- Allow for unique features and variations.

WOW!! I'd love to be able to have this species they are awesome!  ^_^

I don't have many of my own species my main one just being sushis so I'd love to add some of these guys to the sushi town (my very big and developed story revolving around my other open species) since I've been meaning to add other species outside of sushis and their subspecies to it!! I'd also like to make a world for any characters of them!!

I'd probably make them semi-open? I'd absolutely love to make adopts of them as well they seem so fun to draw <333 you would absolutely be allowed to do anything with them aswell (closed or not) and create as many designs/adopts with the species :3 it's just fair 

Either way I hope whoever gets them does some awesome things with them and if I don't get them I'd love to see what people end up doing with them!!!!

THESE GUYS ARE SUCH GOOBERS?? They'd make a great semi-aquatic species