Comments on ( CLOSED ) Species Concept! All Comments

WOW!! I'd love to be able to have this species they are awesome!  ^_^

I don't have many of my own species my main one just being sushis so I'd love to add some of these guys to the sushi town (my very big and developed story revolving around my other open species) since I've been meaning to add other species outside of sushis and their subspecies to it!! I'd also like to make a world for any characters of them!!

I'd probably make them semi-open? I'd absolutely love to make adopts of them as well they seem so fun to draw <333 you would absolutely be allowed to do anything with them aswell (closed or not) and create as many designs/adopts with the species :3 it's just fair 

Either way I hope whoever gets them does some awesome things with them and if I don't get them I'd love to see what people end up doing with them!!!!