Perry ♡



5 years, 9 months ago


🐠 Beacon 🐠

The Scholar

Beacon lives in the ocean near Maple Pass. He's an educated being, often hitching rides and trying to decipher what the human language tells him. He loves to brag and talk about the things he has learned.

He lives amongst a school of vicious Glubglubs that raid ships, other midveilers and fellow glubs. They're a greedy bunch and Beacon only discovered them when he fell in love with their leader, Brutus.

They recruited him and made them their battle strategist because of his immense knowledge. He tries to help the crew to the best of his abilities, half because he doesn't want to be looked down upon by them and because he doesn't want to disappoint their leader.

【 Name 】 Beacon【 Nickname(s) 】 B
【 Age 】 30【 D.o.B. 】 July 9
【 Gender 】 Male【 Species 】 Parrotfish GlubGlub
【 Orientation 】 Gay【 Relationship 】 Taken
【 Value 】 【 Trade Status 】 Forever Homed 
【 Charm 】

【 Kindness 】

【 Temper 】

【 Morality 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Strength 】

【 Courage 】

【 Humor 】

"You're all just a bunch of ignorant noobs."

  • A scholar that learned a lot of his knowledge by hitching a ride on a ship.
  • Lowkey a sadist.
  • Likes sprouting random facts.
  • Loves proving other wrong. 
  • Not good at fighting or close combat.
  • Battle strategist.
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[ Boyfriend ] T-Bone is a very sweet strudel, deep down inside. He likes to act all tough and strong but Sergeant can see through all of that facade. He started out as a regular in the pub until Sarge started flirting with him (in hopes T-Bone would buy more liquor or stay longer). In the end, Sarge got more than he expected, eventually falling in love with the feisty red strudel. Now, T-Bone helps around in the pub whenever he can, as well as making sure Sergeant doesn't break a few noses when he loses his cool.
