[♡] Twila



5 years, 7 months ago


⭐️Twila ⭐️

The Apprentice

Fizz is a very shy and insecure trickster that loves to keep to herself. She lives in the giant major in the woods alongside Alice and Nutmeg.

She was abaonded as a child after her family realized she wasn't going to be getting her filling anytime soon. She learned to live on her own and to strive in solidarity.

She's very funny and sweet and warms up very easily to others to the point where she can be clingy. She's a highly optimistic trickster and tries her best to see the best in anyone. Sometimes she can't even notice when people are hurting her, she can be quite guillible.

She lived in the darkest corners of the manor for the most of her years till she emerged one day in the library to see Alice and Nutmeg along the piles of books. She eventually became friends with them and even girlfriends with Alice.
【 Name 】 Fizz【 Nickname(s) 】 Izzy
【 Age 】 25【 D.o.B. 】 October 13
【 Gender 】 Female【 Species 】 Trickster
【 Orientation 】 Gay【 Relationship 】 Single
【 Value 】 $100【 Trade Status 】 Forever Homed 
【 Charm 】

【 Kindness 】

【 Temper 】

【 Morality 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Strength 】

【 Courage 】

【 Humor 】

"Eep! Did I scare you?"

  • Loves reading and watching romantic comedies
  • Sometimes forgets she's a trickster so she doesn't realize why others react in such a way 
  • Super duper clingy
  • Gives the best sticky hugs 
  • Has an insatiable appetite 
  • Very childish nature 
  • Loves to play games and hang around with kids
  • Loves to care for small creatures 
  • Very gentle
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[ Girlfriend ] An ambitious and outspoken journalism. She has a very broad mind and thinks hard about everything. She likes to see the meaning in everything and seeing different dimensions of others. She isn't easy to judge, which was how she found Fizz, abandoned and alone. She helped Fizz boost her confidence and self love and has now given herself the task of making sure NO ONE hurts her darling.
