
16 days, 22 hours ago




Name Themis
Age Appears adult
Gender Female
Pronouns she/they
Race "Angel"
Ranking Intern
Alignment Lawful good


  • Doves
  • Bells
  • Sunrises


  • Tardiness
  • Blood
  • Smoke

A former demon that has vowed to make up for their past transgressions and only do good from now on. Freshly transferred into the ranks of the angels, Themis doesn't have many grand responsibilities and is mostly tasked with being an intermediary between higher ranking angels or doing minor bits of paperwork. They happily accept any task they are handed and is working hard towards getting a promotion so they can finally begin helping out humans.


A serious person that takes no nonsense, Themis would almost be a picture-perfect image of a just and righteous angel if it weren't for the horns protruding out of her head.

When she first woke up, Themis had no clue where she was or why. However, seeing that she she was a demon, she had a strong inkling that she must've done something abhorent in a past life. Disgusted with herself, she quickly looked for a way to repent for her sins, even if she didn't know what she had done.

Every day Themis draws looks of scorn and disgust from the angels around them, but they do their best to pretend not to notice. She is very aware that their former allegience to the demon realm is what puts the others off from associating with her, but Themis doesn't care to change their opinions. She just singlemindedly puts her best towards her work, slowly climbing her way to a promotion so she can start actually helping humans in the mortal realm and make a difference.

A past forgotten

Themis was once a knight serving a small kingdom. Born into a family that had served the royal family as a member of the palace guards, she became acquainted with the prince from an early age and they practically grew up as close childhood friends.

The knight was assigned as Gallien's personal bodyguard, and Themis took on this responsibility with pride, vowing to protect the prince with her life. Now being around each other for nearly all hours of the day, their affection for each other only grew stronger over the years and they began secretly dating in their late teens.

Themis knew that there wasn't a bright future for their relationship - eventually the prince would be married off, doomed to be used as a political chess piece between kingdoms. She knew her place and would not complain when the time came for their secret trysts to end. Either way, she would stay by Gallien's side as his shield and sword...

...Until his life was suddenly unceremoniously snuffed out right in front of her eyes.

The castle had fallen quickly, the line of communication fractured in an instant by traitors that had been slowly integrating themselves amongst the workers during the past few years. Themis was too slow, too late. Her prince had been ■■■■■ and her world shattered.

Driven into despair, the knight went on a rampage, cutting down the trait■rs and killi■■ ev■ry■■ing ■lse th■t breathed in t■■t cas■■■. Blinded by rage, the n■■■■bouring ■■■lages were next to ■■■■ to her wra■■. Her blind fr■nzy went on for thr■■ da■■ an■ ■■ghts ■■fore ■■■ f■nally su■■um■ed ■o h■■ ■■■■■i■■ a■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■


  • Themis doesn't remember where they got their broken sword from. For some reason they feel compelled to hold onto it.
  • She's well loved by animals.
  • Their halo is dimly lit and semi-transparent. Supposedly it will get brighter with time, and her horns will eventually fully crumble away.
  • Her favourite time of day is early morning.
  • If they can find the time, they like to observe wedding ceremonies in the mortal realm.



Gallien [ ??? ]

A pesky demon that will not leave them alone. Themis doesn't understand why an angel would choose to fall of their own will and wants to convince Gallien to turn over a new leaf to hopefully restore their angelhood.
