
1 month, 19 days ago


General Information

Name: Kedhur

Alias: The Last Dragonborn, Son of Madness, ‘Solitude’s Resident Salmon’.

Age: the Maormer Equivalent of 36

Gender: his people are sequential hermaphrodites- and don’t really have a concept of ‘gender’, but Kedhur himself tends to go by he/him due to the ignorance of the human populace.

Race: Maormer

Birthsign/Daedric Prince: Sheogorath

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Blueish, almost milky white, with a glowing pure white pupil.

Scale and Skin Color: His skin is a sort of muted, blue with a tinge of grey. The scattering of scales on his cheeks, ears, neck, shoulders, back, and tail are all a muted cyan- with hints of green, and a glittering sheen.

Hair Color: N/A

Height: 6”6

Build/Weight: Kedhur is incredibly underweight, from a life of living on the streets of Solitude- on nothing but the scraps of discarded food he could steal from nobility, and the occasional rat if he got lucky. 

Usual Hairstyle: N/A

Usual Outfit: After becoming the LDB, and being given gifts by his parent, Kedhur would typically be seen wearing armour made by the scales of a dragon that had been trapped in the Shivering Isles for hours.

General Appearance: Being the only known living member of his race, Kedhur stands out in a crowd- it doesn’t help that he towers over most. He wears a suit of medium armour, and keeps the only two items he’d had his hold life hanging from his belt: a strange two pronged fork that glows softly at night (fork of horripilation) and an elegantly gilded silk glove (Gambolpuddy).

Identifying Features: Intricate tattoos covering the entirety of his body- the ‘eyes’ on which almost seem to follow whatever he’s looking at, carved antlers affixed to his forehead, oddly coloured- and softly glowing- armour, thick amphibian-like tail.

Miscellaneous Information

General Skills:  _

Residence: None

Mount(s): Rarely he will summon the dragon from which his armour was made, but the dovah drives him borderline crazy with his constant negative words.  

Pet(s): None

 Languages: Cryodiilic, Pyandonea, Daedric.

Religion: Doesn’t really worship any Gods- although he’s constantly trying to impress his parent, in hopes that they’ll eventually love him.

Combat Information

Weapons: A… A Fork.

Armor: Medium Daedric-Dovahscale Armour.

Combat Skills: Little to None- however he’s rather good at picking up on the Thuum, and has even figured out how to mix shouts, Good reflexes.

Combat Weaknesses: No true combat training, physically weak, easily temporarily blinded by bright lights.

Equipment: Armour, Fork, and his carved Antlers.

Loyalty Information

Faction: None

Rank: None

Status: None

Reputation: Strangely enough, barely anyone actually knows what he looks like- despite being a part of a prophecy.

Magical Information

Level of Magical Ability: None.

Spell List and Schools of Magic (In order of Highest to Lowest Skill): N/A

Powers: Weather Magic / Control, Can technically bond with a Sea Serpent- although there were none in Skyrim, Touch of Madness (When he’s incredibly stressed, him touching someone will lead to a random effect being inflicted upon them. He has no control over this happening)

Personality Information

General Personality: Kedhur is incredibly possessive of anything he gains- having had nothing for most of his life, and will easily become mortified if he loses something as basic as a moderately nice spoon. But his strongest motivator is his overpowering desire to be liked by someone, which unfortunately… would never be fulfilled…

Personality Weaknesses: Compulsive, cowardly, disorganized, nervous, uneducated (in the sense that him not knowing social norms has led him to seem rude), reckless, unintelligent, stubborn, suspicious.

Personality Strengths: Loyal, alert, tries his best to be likeable.

Likes: Food, a warm bed, not being treated like literal trash, drier environments.

Dislikes: How he’s constantly treated like nothing but an oddity, water, the cold, guards, nobility and open displays of richness, loud sounds.

Goals: To finally be loved by his parent.

Fears: Guards, being snuck up on, hunger.

Hobbies: He never really got to develop any.


_(wip, am lazy)


  • Mental Disorders: PTSD, Schizophrenia, RAD, and Binge Eating Disorder
  • Physical Issues: Farsightedness, Early Onset Arthritis, frequent dizzy spells.
  • Most of his issues stem from his incredibly rough, and abusive (if you can consider a childhood with no parental figures abusive).
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