Kedhur's Comments

    Once again Kedhur found himself huddled under an overhang in one of the many, many alleyways that crisscrossed the lower city, shivering as he tried to stay out of the downpour in which Solitude was currently consume. He clutched a small piece of bread in his hands- all he’d been able to take from the upper city before the guards had caught him…

    He hated guards… They didn’t care about anyone but the wealthy. So many were on the streets starving, while those in the upper cities partied, and ate exotic delicacies… and wasted so so much food. 

    Yet he was the bad guy for trying to grab a bit of what they’d left to be thrown away, so he could eat?

     Well… At least he had his little alleyway, sure it was dirty, and the wind got rather strong- and the only overhand barely blocked any rain… But nobody else came here, so he could eat in piece without nearly getting beaten to death again…

     But that wasn’t really his biggest concern at this point.

      It wasn’t exactly… erm… Pleasant to be the only known member of a species though extinct, and considered barely a person in the very city you lived.

Two hundred years. That was a long time. It /was/ a long time. And it /had/ been a long time, since...

Since the Crisis happened. 

But now it was nothing more than a memory, etched into the pages of history. 

The silly little mortals here, and their... even sillier city. Obnoxious, pathetic. Little did they realize that this city was her city. Everywhere, really, belonged to her. Except, when it didn't. 

But Solitude surely was hers... see the history... see Pelagius the Mad. 

And that's what the woman in the purple regalia, tinged with gold was thinking as she surveyed the gloomy, storm-covered city from atop one of the city watchtowers. One second she was being drenched by the rain; the next, she was completely dry, sitting on an empty barrel with an umbrella overshadowing her. She watched as the small blue figure huddled under a spot of shelter. She crossed one leg over the other and covered a yawn with her hand. Kedhur, in her mighty opinion, was quite boring. For now, at least...

Kedhur practically jumped- how- how had he not noticed he wasn’t alone? They were obviously from the upper city- rich- and because of that… dangerous. He glanced around, grimacing- the alleyway was a dead-end, and the only way to get away was to pass her, and that was risky… very… /very/ risky.

The madgod smirked at Kedhur's shocked expression. "Good evening, my dear!" she called, lifting her free hand in a short wave. "Where did you get that bread, by chance?"

He checked his pocket- he still had the glove- good- if he absolutely needed it it was there…

”Um- it doesn’t matter- really- and um- you can’t have it-“ Kedhur stuttered, clutching it tighter.

"And why's that?" the madgod tipped her head. "Because it's yours? You wouldn't neglect a weary traveler from one bite of your meal, would ya? Well, I suppose I don't want any of your mortal food, 'specially since it's a soggy piece of flour. You eat that?"

9 Replies

He is THEE professional disappointment... according to gwin that is.

Indeed smh 🐸

Poor fish man gets no love




*sobbing fr*


Why himmmm

2 Replies