


5 months, 2 days ago



 Name Chris
 Gender/PronounsNB (They/he)
 Scent Hand sanitizer, coffee, clean linen
 D.o.B. 7/8
 Height 5'8"
 Build Fat, thick core and thighs
 Species Clydesdale horse
 Sexuality Queer
 Demeanor Empathetic, levelheaded, kind, comforting
 Theme  Beck - Wow
 HTML  Eggy


Listen, if you're sneaking out, you gotta take me with you, that's the rules

Chris is a full-time hematology oncology nurse. He works inpatient, treating a wide variety of people. Chris works nights exclusively, working from 7pm to 7am. He's chill and levelheaded, not letting the chaos of work get to him, and he takes everything in good stride. He's a bit stubborn in his ways, not being afraid to speak up to doctors and managers if he feels it's necessary. Otherwise, he's sweet and kind, loving to spend time with others, and finding it easy to strike up a good rapport with anyone. He's chatty and social, loving to get to know his patients on a personal level! He tries to not bring his personal life into conversation, but loves to share little details about himself, like what he got for dinner on the way in, or the plans he has for the weekend.


  • Eyes are half-lidded, hardly ever does he have wide-open eyes
  • Hooves are cloven, 3 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand
  • Nose piercings on both sides of nose
  • Blond streaks are random in mane/tail
  • Sclera and teeth aren't pure white, they're off-white
  • Royal/navy blue scrubs, black/dark grey undershirt!
  • Feel free to put anything on their scrub cap, and to switch up their badge reel!