Estelle Prism



5 years, 9 months ago



Name Estelle Prism
Age 15
Height 5'2" ft
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Aromantic Asexual
Masterlist Entry MYO 153
Occupation High School Student

Designer ink-palette
Worth $10


Estelle is a massive brat! She hates boredom and LURVES attention!!! She will try and poke your eye for funsies. She's also quite mischievous and has a bit of a short attention span. This has definitely affected her in school and she probably has undiagnosed ADHD. Her low IQ hasn't helped her when it comes to grades either.

She just likes being loud and obnoxious overall! And playful, especially playful. She also secretly has trust issues, but is slowly learning to remedy them the more she lives with her current caretaker Dahlia.


  • Common - Two Eyes
  • Common - Human Tongue
  • Uncommon - Monster Teeth
  • Uncommon - 2 Hair Mouths
  • Uncommon - Animal Tail
  • Rare - Monster Hair
  • Rare - Animal Legs
  • Legendary - Animal Ears


  • Her two spirit mouths are named Corteo and Alejandro. They speak in rapid-fire Spanish that Estelle mostly doesn't understand.
  • Corteo and Alejandro like singing songs. From songs about someone dying to more sexual ones - it’s just a whole ass Spanish radio station echoing in Estelle’s head. Estelle will attempt to sing along in a horribly off-key voice.
  • She loves running around and playing games. She also enjoys pranks as well, but doesn’t like to take it too far (such as physically injuring someone) because that takes the fun out of it.


Oh boy, Estelle's been through some shit, that's for sure. And it's not anything traumatizing either, it's just straight up weird. Fate must like trolling her or something.

When Estelle was four, she noticed that her biological parents had an odd hobby.

What was their hobby? is the question that you might be asking.

Get this: they liked to snort sugar up their noses!

It was a special type of sugar too. It was kinda powdery, like snow? Well, regardless of what type of sugar it was, they seemed to like it a lot. They would sort that stuff out in neat lines with their overdue credit cards before inhaling.

One day, Estelle's parents were taken away by CPS (Child Protective Services). They didn't bother to hide their, er, sugar addiction that well and were promptly arrested once a neighbor ratted them out. From there, Estelle was transferred into the foster care system. The only way she'd ever meet her parents again was if they were to go through successful rehab and come clean from their goods.

She went through plenty of temporary foster homes in the meanwhile. Coincidentally enough, with each foster home she frequented, she would often encounter irresponsible and/or neglectful adults. In her third foster home, the guardians over there didn't really supervise her. She was allowed to do whatever she wanted.

One night, at the age of seven, she wandered into the woods for shits and giggles, only to get possessed by a couple of twin spirits.

It honestly didn't change her life all that much. It changed her appearance more than anything, but it didn't stop her from being dumb or reckless, since she had always been dumb and reckless for as long as she could remember.

(Spoiler Alert: maybe it's because she's a crackhead baby and naturally has a low iQ because of this.)

After her foster parents had found a newly transformed Estelle the next day, they flipped their shit before booting her ass outta their house.

And it went on like this for a while.

A lot of the foster parents that took Estelle in after that were either creeped out by her being a Spiritus Oris or tried to treat her like a wild animal that might lash out at any moment. They tried to treat her all special and different, but this would only make her feel even more uncomfortable in her own skin.

Not that she minded, but it probably didn't help that she could never understand what her two spirits were saying for, like, 95% of the time either. They both spoke A LOT, and it was all in fluent Spanish - a language she never even knew much about until she had been possessed. Throughout the next several years of her life, Estelle would never learn how to speak it, but she'd catch onto some of the words, like a stupider bunny version of Dora the Explora. She'd just repeat some of the words that they'd say at random and out of nowhere, even if they were curse words.

For some reason, she would especially remembered the curse words that her spirits would teach her. Sometimes she'd just say stuff like puta madre out loud and proudly.

In the meanwhile, she also grew tolerant and accepting of the fact that she'd never have a family. She tried to be more carefree about life, tried to not take it too seriously, and would just live like a wild spirit. She'd just act on her impulses and craved constant stimulation. Boredom became her biggest enemy, so she tried to do anything she could to not be bored.

One day, Estelle ended up running away from her one hundredth foster home at the age of twelve. She ended up getting lost in a beach somewhere and collapsed on the sand from exhaustion after hours of attempting to eat a shell she found just laying around. (She was in the mood for lobster, but didn't know that lobsters didn't come from shells.)

When she had gained consciousness again by the next day, she found herself in a small and shabby apartment.

Turns out a young Spiritus Oris woman by the name of Dahlia found her and had recovered her from the shorelines while taking an evening stroll. At first, she was gonna send Estelle back to her parents, but when Estelle told her that she didn't really know if they were still there or not due to their 'sugar addiction', she sat her down and had a lot of questions regarding that matter.

After that, Dahlia just decided that she could let the kid in because pity.

If Estelle had already been through a hundred foster homes already and she was still a preteen, then things weren't looking bright so far.

She was originally gonna boot Estelle out once she turned eighteen, but even though Estelle can be a massive brat at times, Dahlia ended up liking her more after some time. Estelle was like the younger sister that she never had - plus she was only residing in this apartment anyway because her parents wanted her to be more independent.

Currently, Estelle just goes to high school (or at least tries to survive it) and will often fool around whenever she's not stuck in a classroom. Whenever she's not stuffing her face with all the food that Dahlia has at home, she likes bothering all of the neighbors in her apartment complex, such as another Spiritus Oris lady by the name of Lucy.

This is the first time that Estelle actually has a stable home and neighborhood, and she wants to savor moments like these while she still can.

Dahlia guardian

Dahlia is Mommy? Or more like an older sister with their not-that-large age gap? Estelle just knows that she's thankful for her because she has food and lets her live with her! SO YAY!!!

Lucy friend/neighbor

Estelle likes to play with Lucy whenever she comes home from school! She likes poking her in random places and sometimes just shouting in her ear.


ESTELLE LOVES NEOMA WITH ALL HER HEART! Neoma is her pet and partner in crime! They get into all sorts of shit together. BESTIES 4EVER!!!