Dahlia Kenna



6 years, 7 days ago



Name Dahlia Kenna
Age 22
Height 5'9" ft
Species Spiritus Oris
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Homosexual
Masterlist Entry MYO 05
Occupation Store Employee

Designer ink-palette
Worth $8


Dahlia may seem very careless and aloof on the outside, but in reality she's really just awkward. She has a hard time just talking to people and may be a tad socially inept. She'll also just fuck up a lot whenever she's feeling nervous, especailly when it comes to her job. She's still trying to improve herself though and at least her determination for that doesn't waver.


  • Common - Horns
  • Common - 2 Eyes
  • Common - Human Ears
  • Common - 1 Hair Mouth
  • Rare - Crystal Teeth


  • The hair mouth she has is named Ruby.
  • Dahlia is currently trying to work out and eat healthier. She's slowly trying to be more social and open with people as well.


Dahlia had always been pretty dependent on her family more than anything.

She grew up being really socially awkward, she didn't have a lot of pleasant experiences when interacting with her peers and developed a habit of shutting people out with a cold front, so friends were not a common thing to come by for her. She's already tried being more outgoing before, but couldn't do it since the kids around her were quick to say nasty things if she made even one mistake.

She began assuming that everyone was like the kids she was surrounded by and would have a difficult time warming up to others as a result.

This problem would soon stem into her adulthood. Her self-esteem began to plunge due to her inability to socialize properly and make friends. When Dahlia had graduated high school, she just kinda became like a NEET and didn't know what to do with her life. It didn't help that a spirit decided to possess her at the time and she needed a while to adjust with that change.

Her parents were not happy at all with this outcome and forced her out of the house to get a real job. They wanted her to be more independent, they didn't want her dwelling in their basement any longer - whether she was a Spiritus Oris or not.

And that's where she is right now, just working at the local grocery store and learning how to be more independent in her apartment with her rent and bill payments. She eventually picks up a stray Spiritus Oris kid along the way too, so there's that working out for her.

Mindy girlfriend

Mindy is her girlfriend. They started off as work-out buddies that eventually grew close enough to develop a romantic relationship. She really appreciates everything Mindy's done for her so far.

Estelle her kid?

Estelle is a young girl that Dahlia's looking after. She found her unconscious one day on the shorelines of a beach while taking an evening stroll, and ever since then, she's been taking care of her since Estelle has nowhere else to go. At first, Estelle was super obnoxious, and she still is, but Dahlia's grown to like her over time.

Neoma pet?

Neoma is Estelle's pet and technically hers too? Since she feeds it and everything. She's just as accepted into the household as Estelle is.

Rex co-worker

Dahlia knows Rex as just a co-worker. She does try very hard to do her best in her job, though she fucks up often and hard. She feels very bad for him as he usually has to clean up her messes.

Yumin co-worker

Yumin is a co-worker of hers from the grocery store. He's not exactly someone that she interacts with at work. She feels a little bit embarrassed of her clumsiness.