


5 years, 7 months ago


Name: Midnight

Age: 15 [in human years]

Gender: Female - she/her

Tribe: Nightwing/Icewing hybrid

Personality n stuff:  creative, timid, secretive, intelligent, distrusting, dislikes icewings, very unsure of herself early on in life, can easily makes mistakes and blames herself for things that aren't her fault, she's very friendly especially to other animus dragons or hybrids,

Traits/Features: Animus, Nightwing/Icewing hybrid [2/3 night, 1/3 ice with some skywing], Wears  a golden band on one horn and a golden coin around her neck. Also wears  a leather armband with a crescent moon painted on it.  This band is required for animus dragons to wear as a limiter for their powers. Post Exile:Small scar on her right thigh and the tip of her left horn is broken off. She wears a red scarf that also acts as a hood, and carries 3 - 5 long spears with her (tied either to her back or her side).


Animus-Touched Creations
-A book that never runs out of blank pages.
-A wooden bird carving that will find the finest sticks; made for her friend Atlas.
-A gold-plated medallion that is enchanted so the wearer is never lost.
-An origami butterfly that will flutter around the nearest dragon's head.
-A candle that will never go out or melt.
-Stolen nightwing spears that are enchanted to move as she commands.

Story so far:

      Midnight was born in the night kingdom where she lived with her animus mother, a pure nightwing, and her night-ice father. Being born an animus she was put under strict education but being a nightwing-icewing as well put her under allot of scrutiny. She made friends like Atlas (nightwing) and Hawk (skywing). On a class trip she encountered the crazed nightwing Pluto and offered to help him by erasing his mind reading powers. Doing so would break a law set upon animus dragons, to never take off the armband and use one's power without permission from a queen. Pluto accepted but by helping him Midnight was arrested and brought to the queen. The standard punishment for an animus that used magic and took off their armband without direct orders from the queen was to have the animus' powers stripped away completely or even be killed. But as she was only a dragonet her punishment was less severe. She was sentenced to be constantly guarded and her family was forced to live in the lowest class. 

     Eventually, after months of being fed up with the nightwing's deceit and unfair punishment Midnight broke free of her guard and removed the metal armband they had given her in place of her leather one. She stormed the queen's palace and confronted the queen. The queen responded by ordering all her guards to kill Midnight, mostly in fear that Midnight had gone mad because of her animus powers. Midnight used her magic to take the guard's spears and use them against the guards, fleeing the palace with a few of the spears after she defeated them. 

    Having become a fugitive of the night kingdom she fled to the kingdom of sand where she met Prince Ocelot, and Citrine. At the time Midnight did not know the bounty the night queen had placed on her head and that Citrine was an assassin. After a handful of nights in the sand kingdom, Citrine attempted to kill Midnight, but only managed to stab Midnight with her stinger. Midnight fled the sand kingdom, but barely made it a league from her refuge when she collapsed due to the poison from Citrine's stinger. She managed to use her powers to slow the effects but not having been educated in how to use her powers to properly form spells to heal dragons so all she could do was wait.

    After laying in the desert for however long she could guess, an icewing found her and managed to provide the antidote for her poison. What she didn't know was that this icewing was Prince Penguin, who brought her to Ex-Prince Blizzard after bringing her back to full health. Penguin hoped that Midnight could convince his brother Blizzard that going to war with the nightwings wasn't a good option, and told Midnight of his brother's plans. 

    Midnight tried to talk Ex-Prince Blizzard out of it but he refused and instead offered her the option to join his 'rebellion'. Midnight refused and it ended up with the split group of icewings and Blizzard attacking her, she managed to use the spears she stole from the night kingdom to defend herself. 

THIS STORY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, I MAY REWRITE IT. I'm still considering what to do after this point.

See these other characters for related information:

Ex-Prince Blizzard - Antagonist

Prince Penguin - Ally