


2 months, 5 days ago



The Touch Of Glitched Violets

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you don't understand. I was trying to help you.

KYDOT is a machine having witnessed the destruction and creation of worlds and universes. Using the palm of existence, a special...thing that allows travel between realities, they set off on a little adventure for fun. No real purpose, just being fun and spending the years watching others live their best ones.


  • Travelling - It's fun to explore new worlds
  • Building - Kydot enjoys building/repairing machinairy and buildings. They do so in secret and watch the owners reaction
  • Lurking - They love watching others (in a non-creepy way), and she acts like it's a movie


  • People who act like they know what they are doing when they don't - They just make the task slower and more annoying for everyone involved
  • Those who disobey instructions - Again, it's just a hassle


  • Travelling - Not only does it introduce Kydot to more ways that everything in existence works, but it allows Kydot to understand these new concepts, as well as new languages etc
  • Watching - They love watching the little stories unfold, they almost never step in, but only would do so if necessary or in the mood
  • Wandering the streets of Astomatous - The only world in which they feel safe enough to be visible constantly

Fears & Phobias

  • Attachment - Eventually they will die, so what's the point? They either die or they betray you
  • Becoming visible on accident - Kydot hates when this happens, it feels horrifying to rush quickly out of the world (often on a cliffhanger)
  • Getting recognised - When you spend your existence hiding, being recognised would be pretty terrifying

Ambitions & Goals

  • Safety and Peace - Kydot wishes for safety and peace, and is glad to have achieved that.


  • idrk rn


determined / controlling / anti-social
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Stays In The Past Moves On
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf





Chaotic Neutral






















First Face (The World)

Kydot isn't seen by others, so there isn't much to say. Very very very few people know of Kydot's existence and he'd rather keep it like that. In Astomatous, some people are scared of Kydot for whatever reason.

Second Face (Close Ones)

Kydot doesn't seem to care about a lot of things. Brushing off major problems like it's nothing and the sorts. It pisses other people off, which pisses Kydot off.

Third Face (True Reflection)

Kydot hides the fact that they appreciate a lot of what existence is. Kydot genuinely doesn't see problems in a lot of huge issues, after a while of being exposed to those kinds of things it just becomes normal.

Quirks & Habits

Kydot often doesn't really notice what they're actually saying, and therefore might say something that the person isn't meant to know, or start speaking in another random language.

Communication Skills

Kydot hates talking. They go months, even years, without saying a single word. They don't have many people to even talk to so that plays a part too.

Showing Affection

Kydot doesn't show affection, due to her not having any sort of affection to other people. If anything, he looks out for the person and makes sure they are safe, but he doesn't consider that to be affection.

But what the world fails to realize is that a "villain" is just a victim whose story hasn't been told.

















Time of day
















Height Changes (usually around 5'1")

Weight Changes (usually light)

Build Smallish?

Hair Length Medium (changes often)

Hair Type Wavy?

Color scheme Purple

Main aesthetic Webcore? Glitchcore?

Clothing style Anything comfy


Kydot has quite strange eyes. They are both a deep purple colour, and one eye has a pupil of a power button. The button doesn't work at all, but it can change colours if Kydot wants it to. Kydot doesn't usually show emotion through their eyes, and they usually look blank.


Kydot has medium length purple hair. They can change the length depending on how they feel, usually going a bit shorter. They have pretty soft hair, they enjoy brushing it sometimes. It's usually rather messy, but it still looks alright. He sometimes ties it up, but she usually leaves it out.


High Low
Loud Quiet
Fast Slow

Voice Claim: my voice

They sound like me but a bit more serious, if you don't know what my voice sounds like (pretty much everyone reading this) I am terribly sorry I haven't found anyone who sounds similar to me.

Facial Features & Skin

Kydot has no distinguishable facial features, and they like it that way. Their skin is doesn't feel like human skin but it looks like it.

Scars & Marks

There is no scars or marks on Kydot.


Kydot has no physical modifications. They have no organs, but that's about it.


Kydot has multiple outfits. The outfit they wear in Astomatous is shown on the right. You can see the other outfits in the other arts on this page/gallery.


Kydot is able to use both hands well, but prefers to use the right as it's more common from their observations.

Please ignore how the image is not the actual reference, I haven't made an actual reference yet.

  • Anything comfy
  • Purple clothing
  • Sexual clothing
  • Revealing outfits

Physical Health

  • Bad Posture - Kydot blames it on "bad wiring" but we all know she's lying
  • Has bad eyesight - Blames it on the world travelling, which might be correct because it does affect the body

Mental Health

  • Hallucinates often
  • Doesn't understand social cues easily
  • Melancholic
  • Has most of my mental illnesses (he has less than me though)


Colour Purple

Flora Violet

Fauna Cats & Ravens

Object Digital things

Feeling Melancholy

Core Glitch/Webcore


Often assosciated with the universe. As well as moons, planets, skies, stars etc.

Design Symbolism

The triangles represent life and death, and the idea that all reason has consequence.

Connection To Creator

Kydot is supposed to represent me, especially in online situations. Kydot lurks in the background, barely ever interacting with the world. This is similar behaviour to me and how I act, I'm in a lot of communities/fandoms/media that I don't interact with at all, I just exist there without anyone knowing.

Wow... you really are idiotic.



Kydot tried to change fate, and it ended in this adventure with a stupid girl who is confused about everything. Kydot never wanted to be a part of this, she just felt nice that day and now this is where he's ended up. Kydot tries to care for Emilia like a kid, as Kydot had to when they first met, but Emilia isn't a little kid anymore, and Kydot doesn't seem to understand that entirely. So Kydot tries to be a parent figure and fails


??? (this is just here because Kydot has no other relationships worth putting here and to show how LONELY they are!! such a LOSERR)



Click on the subheader to see the story. Each section has the warnings in the corner, please don't feel pressured to read!! I really don't mind. /gensrs

Thanks for reading in advance, if you do decide to read.

SUMMARY : Kydot was created by an intelligent young child who just wanted to be seen and recognised without being laughed at. Kydot found a "hole" in the world he was created in and watched the universe die, and that kickstarted the journey to other worlds and universes to prevent that from happening again...or forcing it early.


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Tactic Distraction

Attitude Calm

Distance Close-ranged

Weapon Scythe

Fighting style

Kydot slowly learnt how to fight over the many years of existence, as well as from many people. He would watch others fight and imitate their moves alongside them (while invisible, of course) and that has led to Kydot having very different fighting styles that they use.


  • Using their scythe
  • Distracting others
  • Understanding a situation - Even easier if the opponent is a human
  • Getting the upper hand


  • Healing - They don't need to be healed themself, and he almost never fights for/with others so she never needs the knowledge of healing
  • Using a gun - For whatever reason, Kydot has never been able to use guns properly
Palm of Existence
magic ability


Gifted to those unlucky enough to witness- and survive- the shatter of a world. It grants the ability to go to other worlds and universes, as well as giving powers to aid the user in those worlds and universes.

palm of existence


Palm of Existence ability. This allows travel through the palm of existence into any world. This includes universes, worlds, digital spaces, minds etc. Kydot has stylised this ability to look like them "glitching" out of the current space into the new one, because they find that funny for whatever reason.

That was a mistake they will always regret.




A massive scythe that Kydot carries around. How do they hold it, when they have no pockets or bags or anything to store something of that size in? Noone knows.

The height of the scythe changes depending on Kydot's height, and the situation. It is always massive though, yet Kydot holds it with such elegeance and skill. The main part of the scythe is black, and its quite simple. The blade is made of silver, and is quite sharp to the touch. The edges of the blade can glow purple (the colour of Kydots eyes) when using a power that comes with it, or when Kydot wants some extra light.

It is likely that the scythe came from the second shatter Kydot experienced.



A notebook that never runs out of pages. Kydot bought it from a witch in Astomatous, and these books are commonly found. It has a black cover and has a purple triangle spread on the cover. There is a pen attached, which Kydot also obtained from the same witch.



" A world without music would be- oh wait. "




Vane Lily + Carbon Monoxide

"Failed to recognise warning signs and I let it happen thrice
You've once more led astray,
Something I've never understood, the question I've overlooked,
Am I the one to blame?"

This song shows the relationship between Kydot and Emilia, a parent whose child has left them alone, and they don't understand the reason. This also shows how Kydot has been abandonded without "reason" according to them, even though if they just looked between the lines he would understand.



"Just a simple computer program
Hope I'm not a pain!"

This song is PERFECT for one of the situations Kydot got themself stuck in.

"Never asked to have to hold the knife in my hand
But, skip forward now I find the thrill of it ain’t so bad?"

I used MICCHI's english cover for the lyrics go listen to it /nf

This links in with VIRUS, I don't feel like explaining

"So, God forbid I'm seen just as an average human being
I mean, imagine if protagonists just died in the first scene."

not in the mood to explain rn

"Funny how you think I'm bothered
Know I'm nothing like the others"

my goodness you can tell that i was an animation meme kid

"Geniuses are left asunder
Some die young, and some die younger"

not in the mood to explain rn

"Because once something’s been thought
It enters this wasteland that we call the real world"

not in the mood to explain rn

"Antagonist, protagonist
Become the one and the same"

not in the mood to explain rn


Stella Jang (cover by umbraticforest)

"We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side
But what if we’re the villains on the other?"

not in the mood to explain rn

"Barely human in a city built of broken dreams"

not in the mood to explain rn

Why are you trying to be so human in a world with so few of them?



  • They don't remember the name of the universe she originally came from, and never will know because it's gone forever.
  • Despite physically being a machine, they have a "mind" of sorts. It's not run on code, it works like a normal "human" mind. Although it does malfunction sometimes, it's quite rare.
  • They can explore mental spaces as well, not just physical. Any "place" can be found in the palm of existence, this means Kydot can access digital, mental, spiritual, physical etc. places. Nowhere is safe /j


  • Often forgets their own name, and has to think for it to resurface. Funny to watch.
  • Completely avoids getting noticed/talked to at all costs.
  • When they do need to talk to someone they don't know, they are usually quiet.


  • He doesn't get attached to people quickly, if at all.
  • They fake kindness when speaking to people they don't know, the conversation will end quicker.


  • They prefer to avoid conflict, but wouldn't mind fighting if need be.
  • He is great at understanding weaknesses in others, especially if human.
  • ^^ She then uses that to their advantage, and gets the upper hand.


  • Her design changes very frequently. I just can't decide on one design.
  • Kydot changes their outfit / hair / height / weight depending on the place they are located at, usually to fit in in case they become visible.


  • Kydot was originally created in Gacha Studio, in late 2018, on my older brother's tablet.
  • ^^ I then downloaded the app on my iPad and Kydot grew up with me.
  • Kydot has had well over hundreds (maybe thousands but thats stretching it a bit) of changes. (Design, personality. story etc.)


What do you hate the most about yourself?

... Certainly an interesting start to the interview.

Kydot doesn't really know themselves what he hates the most about herself. All they know is that they dislike who they are now, and wish to be what he used to be.

Can you feel emotion?

What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I can feel emotion. What you should have asked is why I don't show it.

Kydot can feel emotion, but decides not to show it because it's easier to get past things in existence without having emotion blocking it. At least, that's what Kydot thinks.

What's your worst memory?

Probably my first shatter. It was horrifying as I had no idea what was happening, but I know now. Even though I know everything worked out in the end, I still have the... something... attached to the memory.

Their first shatter came out of nowhere, and it completely scared them. The shatter also allowed them to access the palm of existence so it all ended up good.

What's the most important thing to you?

... I don't find value, or attachment in anything. There is nothing of upmost importance.

This is half-true. They don't seem to find value in much, or have things at higher importance. But, they do still like things.

Why did you do that to them?

Do I really have to answer this? I'm not explaining that. Too many questions come from it, some questions are better left unanswered.

Kydot hates explaining this (so do I honestly), but it was an attempt to save them, and it never worked.

Are you shy?

No, I'm not shy. I don't talk to people because it's easier to stay by yourself and understand yourself than have to try to understand what others are saying, when sometimes they don't even know themselves yet.

Kydot prefers to stay by themself, as he said.

What is your favourite world/universe?

Astomatous. I'm not sure what it is, but I just feel safer there. Is it the magic that seeps through each corner of the world? Is it the people, and the low levels of socialisation? Is it the simple language? I'm not sure, but I love it there.

She really likes the entire world of Astomatous. Everything about it.

Can you please draw yourself?


Kydot doesn't draw, as they don't see a need to, although he does appreciate others art. Even though I do, she doesn't draw. They did this in about 10 seconds, and looked quite blank. They couldn't remember many details about themself, which is why there isn't any detail.


To my Mascot,

Thank you. Thank you for being the my face when I knew that I couldn't show my own. Thank you for being the thing people imagined when they thought of me. Thank you for being my first character. As well as my only character until around 2022, and still being held onto my life despite how old you are now, and how old I've grown over the years.

- Your Loving Owner, Ky.exe



  • I am the designer. I built this character with my own imagination.
  • My main inspirations are usually my interests at the time, and media I enjoyed.
  • It's likely that I subconsiously took ideas from media I consumed a lot of, even if I wasn't subconsiously aware. Thank you to all of those I guess?
  • Thank you to all the artists who have drawn Kydot.
