


5 years, 8 months ago



Full Name Cassius Faust (Or so he says)
Aliases Cassie, The Devil in Blue
Gender Male
Age Claims to be 49; appears more in his early to mid-thirties
D.o.B/Sign June 6th/Gemini
Height 6'3"
Build Lithe, almost sleek, dancer-like physique
Race Demon (Rumored to be the devil himself)
Occupation Bar singer/hitman/contract maker
Orientation Greyromantic bisexual
Status Single
Flower Thistle
HTML Wicked


Now, now, you know I don't work for free. If you want my services, then I suppose a contract is in order.

Cassius is what many may consider a dream man: tall, dark, and handsome. He comes off as charming, charismatic, suave, and debonair at first meeting. He has an alluring and commanding presence that often draws others in for conversation. He's a natural at wooing the unsuspecting, but a cautious observer may notice his very mysterious and secretive ways. He keeps up a thick wall between himself and those that he deals with, and breaking through it reveals the end of his charm. He's a terrifyingly logical, level-headed, cold, and apathetic demon. He sees those around him less as people and more as pawns or souls that he can steal away. He's incredibly intelligent, calculating, and persuasive, and seems to know just how to manipulate others to his side. He knows exactly how to get what he wants, and how to make his typically-elaborate plans work perfectly. He is, to say the least, a fantastic actor and liar. While he may feign empathy, he truly doesn't give a damn about the majority of those he's around. He couldn't care less about your personal problems, but often has enough tact not to say so to those that haven't caught on to him. He is ruthless when it comes to those he deems his enemies, and he won't hesitate to cause an onslaught of misfortune to befall them. He puts himself above all others, and is completely willing to stick a knife in your back if it'll save his skin. However, his hubris is his downfall; he's a demon for a reason, after all. He's incredibly arrogant, and the right person may be able to use that to their advantage in order to outsmart him... Not that he sees that happening any time soon.

No one really knows Cassius's history, and he doesn't care to share. What they do know is his present. He works at The Diamond Kiss Lounge and Casino as a singer, and is quite honestly the owner at this point. He charms the crowd with his voice by night, while also partaking in some... Less than savory activity. He has a back room all to himself, you know. Perfect for making contracts. Typically, the contracts are for hitman work. He treats someone to a gruesome demise, he gets a soul. However, some are... Different than that. Quite different indeed.


  • He possesses a more human and more demonic form that he can switch between at will. His demon form is still mainly humanoid, with the inclusion of horns, a long tail, retractable wings, gray skin, and black scleras. Typically, he feels a lot more comfortable in his demon form, and keeps it on while in private, but publically he's always human (Unless completing a hit or contract). Regardless, he always has the same blue eyes, innards, and blood.
  • Naturally, he does have some demonic powers aside from taking souls and making contracts. He, like most demons, has enhanced strength, durability, speed, and night vision. He can manipulate and create fire at will, and the flames he creates/manipulates will be blue in color, which is unique to him. Also unique to him is his hypnotic voice; using the right tone, he can lull others into his control and make them do just about anything he wants them to. This especially works on humans, animals, and lesser demons, but takes some time with higher demons and other supernatural beings.
  • His eyes can glow in the dark, something he quite enjoys taking advantage of.
  • He LOVES smoking and drinking; due to his demonic status he doesn't get the negatives of either, and he can do as he pleases to his heart's content.
  • He has a very smooth, rich, and strong voice, perfect for singing. Many people who know his smoking habits wonder how he keeps it in such good shape, but he's not one to tell.
  • He's no stranger to hookups, and often enjoys flirting and sleeping with others casually. He's never invested, however, and is more likely to use the experience to either steal a soul or manipulate his partner.
  • He almost never experiences romantic feelings, but he knows he's not necessarily incapable. He's somewhat fascinated by the idea of romance, and if he ever had a partner he claims that he would treat them like royalty, but he has yet to feel attraction to anyone like that.
  • He loves playing chess, and is very skilled at it.
  • He often attracts lesser demons to him, alongside demon-sensitive animals (Mainly cats and crows). He doesn't mind this, and in fact adores the animals that follow him.
  • He can not only sing, but also play the piano and violin. He often plays his own accompaniments during pieces he sings at the bar.
  • He finds gambling to be pretty amusing, and will sometimes watch people in the casino for entertainment.
  • He's basically never out of his suit, and he certainly never lets anyone in the public eye see him out of it. However, he does indeed have casual clothing that he sometimes likes to wear.
  • He technically doesn't really need to eat, as he gets his sustinence from souls. However, that doesn't tend to stop him from eating as he pleases. He has especially found a love for devil's food cake, as ironic as it may be.
  • He loves being flashy and eccentric in his plans. If he can make a scene without immediately being seen as the cause of it, then he'll definitely do it.
  • He's heard that there's a cult centered around worshipping him, and he's absolutely flattered by it. He typically treats the leader very kindly in order to keep them around.
  • More later?