
1 month, 1 day ago


crumbly bastard man. he's gonna blow away on the wind one of these days.

the last leader and member of RageClan, Ashstar presided over the death-cult's final days. He lost his eighth life to the last raid on Rage's camp by DaisyClan, the last Clan that RageClan had a war with before it became to weak and low in numbers to assault others like that. It doesn't help that DaisyClan was made of RageClan defectors from three leaders ago, either, so they knew how exactly to crush what was left of RageClan even with their similar numbers. 

Ashstar has gone senile in his old age, and has lost the rest of his mind a little bit, sometimes believing that his Clan is still as strong as it was when he first took power. Sometimes he addresses Petalshade as his deputy. Sometimes he tries to attack them, thinking them an invader. Sometimes he doesn't react to Petalshade at all during the weekly check-up...

ComfreyClan was a tentative RageClan ally during the second half of Ashstar's reign, when he couldn't refuse the help after he lost both of his medics. One to an ambush, one to desertion to DaisyClan. So Comfrey started periodically sending medics over to heal and treat RageClan cats, and never stopped. Petal continues this tradition mostly out of obligation. They would prefer that this sad sack of a cat died and let the whole of the territories start to forget about the horrible legacy of RageClan.