


1 month, 29 days ago









August 3rd


Fallen Angel


The Dark Wing

  • Books
  • Peaches (The fruit) 
  • Arts
  • Humans
  • Worms
  • Slimy Texture
  • coffee
  • Fire
  • Loyal
  • Wise
  • Persistent
  • Tongue-in-Cheek
  • Wings do not appear unless shes in Limbo
  • Scythe is able to become diffrent weapons. (Shotgun, Sword, Bow)
  • Eyes are a results of being a Half Angel. She is not blind
  • The crest on her chest is a flower and is made to represent the Heart Charkra

Its us...Against the World...

The daughter of the Archangel, Jophiel and a unknown human man. Her Conceiveness was left a mystery from the other angels until she as born and kept a secret from others once she was born. When the secret was finally out because of her unusual black colored wings when she was 5 years old. The Seraphims casted her out, Her mother not doing anything to stop them and felt betrayed by this. Jodariel was sent down to earth to survive all by herself. Becoming a fallen angel and a street child.

Eventually she was taken in a orphanage at age 7. Getting a desk job and volunteer at the Orphanage. Her identity being a secret from anyone and everyone as the entirety of Limbo City would've been after her head. Even though she is deemed as a strange human due to her eyes.


[Love Intrest]

Both of them met during their Orphanage days. Though they both didnt get along at first and would constantly fight. Dante learned Jodariel wasn't fully Human and the fact she fought back with him it started to cause him to loosen up. When he was kicked from the Orphanage she also decided to join him in "exhile" being a mediator to his crassy behavior.

Both of them live as roomates in the trailer, Jodariel mostly being responsible for finaces and other responsibilites. Sometimes showing Dante how to do things since he couldn't do much due to him being Infamous in the City. Jodariel also assist him when she can when they are in Limbo. In return, Dante sometimes bring out the Deliquinte side of her, such as them teasingly throwing insults at each other and having mutual taste in alcohol etc. Eventually stregthen their bond so much that they can hold a conversation with just looks



The only really other girl friend she met. Kat and Jodariel have mutual intrest in Wicca history and arts made by the craft.

Both are very close as friends and are open to eachother. Jodariel gifting Kat with Witchcraft items while Kat gives her tips and shows are Wicca magic



Though he is the younger twin brother of Dante. She had weary feelings about him due to how he speaks about Kat and Humans as a whole. Though she keeps a well respected demenor to him but keeps alert while around him.

In the end her suspisions were right unfortantly. She can only be sympathetic of Vergil and hopes only the best for him