Jodariel (Jodariel's MP3 Player-Playlist)





Jodariel's Main Theme

Come, Play the oceans of mind
Stay there dont me go, oh I don't really care now

Fits her personality the most and the kinda relationship she has with others who are diffrent from society like her

The Power of Dark Wings

I'm a magician now, wand in my hand
Eh-ala-om-ah-eh Fill me up, holy breath

A song fitting for her power and abilites as a angelic being.


Lexie Liu

Enter EVE

Funk Fiction

Secondary Theme

Fits her vibes in both personality and lore wise. With a sad yet elegant tune

about this song . . .

lyrics lyrics lyrics
another line highlighted lyrics

a few paragraphs about how this song fits your character if you want. explain if it's relevant to their lore, fits their vibe or is just something they'd listen to!

another paragraph.

song name


code by hanyu