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Yes! It's $5 PayPal to [email protected] !
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Transferring now!

I was tryna resist, but she's too cute. I'd love to snag Butterfly Wings if she's still available!

Sure! It's $5 PayPal to [email protected] !
Your hold is 48 hours. Thank you for looking!


Transferring now!

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Yes! It's $5 PayPal to [email protected] !
Your hold is 48 hours. Thank you for looking!

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No prob! I will prep the character page and transfer it to you!

Can I get Orange Vest and Aqua Fringe? So cute!  

Yes! It's $10 PayPal to [email protected] !
Your hold is 48 hours. Thank you for looking!


Got it! Give me a moment to set up their pages and send them to ya!

Thank you! > u <  

I may be back for a couple more later if no one nabs them; wanted to give others a chance first

No prob!

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Yes! It's $5 PayPal to [email protected] !
Your hold is 48 hours. Thank you for looking!

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Thank you! I will get your Character page sent to you in a moment!

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From Row 1 (top) or Row 2 (bottom)?
Please let me know so I can get their pages started!

It's $10 PayPal to [email protected] !
Your hold is 48 hours. Thank you for looking!

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No problem! Just want to make sure you get the ones you wanted! <3

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Transferring now!