Harvey Fisher



4 months, 24 days ago


Harvey Fisher



Genderfucked, Xenogender
AgeLate 20s
OccupationAspirational Twitch Streamer
ResidenceThe City


Harvey is quirky (TM), brash. In thons early college years, big on gaming and going out, often getting crossfaded at parties on the weekends. However, in the second half of college and onwards, thon becomes more reserved, preferring to spend weekends inside gaming. He isn't a total recluse, but now that he's settled into his friend group and social life, he isn't champing at the bit to make new friends.  

Thon has a moderately popular twitch channel (which Slutsky guests on from time to time!) - someday they hope to make it a full time job but for now it makes barely enough pennies to pay for groceries. 


Dark tan skin, messy hair that is often some garishly and badly dyed color. Thons fashion sense could be described as atrocious. About 5'9".


Harvey figured out he was trans either before or just after starting college. Thon bounced around a lot of different names and pronouns before settling on the ones thon uses today. (For a while, thon bounced around variations of Shay/Shayne/Shayna, so some older art of thon might use those names.)

A classmate of Slutsky's. They met during their first year of college and immediately hit it off. They lived in the same dorm room and had the same first year seminar together, so they had ample opportunities to run into each other. They also bonded over both being Jewish, though Harvey is much less connected to thons ancestry than Slutsky and was - and still is - largely nonpracticing. Plus, Slutsky had a pet ESA, which made him somewhat of a hangout destination on this floor, at least for the timid newcomers.

The two often spent time in the college cafeteria together. The food was bad and the setting was worse, but it was paid for with their tuition so it was an easy place to meet up. (This changed during their upperclassman years, after they moved off campus.) The spent a lot of time together and often confided in each other. 

Harvey has a degree in social sciences.

Today, Harvey and Slutsly don't spend as much time together, largely due to the life (TM) that comes from graduating college. That said, they still consider each other good friends and try to see each other as often as their schedules allow.

