


1 month, 10 days ago


  • NAMENo-Name
  • NICk. That, You
  • Gender Female
  • PRNS. She/They
  • AGE35
  • SPECIESFirbolg
  • Build Slender
  • HEIGHT1.80 M
  •  AbodeEverywhere
  •  Occ.Fey Wanderer
  • ORIEN. ???
  • VOICE Content
  • THEME Content

"Character quote goes here."

When she was a baby, she disappeared from her real family by unknown means. Spirited away to the Fey realm, where she then grew up among the mercurial tricksters that dwell there. She was raised by them as if she was their own. With no memory of her home plane and former family, nor any knowledge that she isn't originally from the Fey realm.

To her; she is a Fey, a big furry one, but still just like her siblings: A Fey, Who was born in the Fey realm. However because she lived among the fey, she was never given a proper name, typically referred to as "that one!" or "That firbolg". Some even using colours or clothing items to address her.

The Fey realm left many marks on her, one of which physical: freckles. She has a lot of them and any time someone looks at her, they're in a different arrangement. They often mimic the arrangement of the stars in a given constellation.

She lives to her own set of weird and wonderful rules, but also has no sense of time. Which makes her easily lose track of it.

Energetic  Mercurial  Friendly

Considered "mad" to others. She can be too energetic to deal with, along with outbursts of extreme joy and weird ramblings. All in all she is a very friendly firbolg, eager to make friends and go on adventures. She is a good girl, loyal if you get her on your side, a ride-or-die, but you have to deal with some Mad Hatter type of madness. 

She is a physical-touch kind of gal. Showing her affection (platonically or romantically) through touch. She will make your tie crooked, give your hair the same beads and decorations she has.

She has no filter when talking...

TRickster  Chatter box  TRAIT


  • Sweets
  • Pranks
  • Animals
  • Shiny things
  • Climbing trees


  • Rules
  • Being tied down/locked up in one place
  • Feeling Homesick on a cool adventure

Hobbies (interests)

  • Being tossed
  • Making braids
  • Imitating how animals walk


  • None! (Yet)
  • ...
  • In reality she would fear being FORCED to stay with strangers she does not remember as her biological family if she were to find that out.


As a baby, she was spirited away from her real family and home plane. The reasons for this are unknown, as her new Fey family never even told her that they had whisked her away. They made her feel like part of their family, raising her in the Fey realm along side their own children. They fed her, took care of her and treated her as if she were their own. She never had any doubt that she wasn't a Fey that belonged to that realm. Thus never knowing she was from a different plane.

To her; she is a Fey, a big furry one, but still just like her siblings: A Fey, Who was born in the Fey realm. Her siblings, along with the other Fey are by nature mercurial tricksters, a trait she adopted as her own as she grew. This wasn't the only thing she adopted from this realm.

As per the customs of the Fey realm, she was never given a proper name, typically referred to as "that one!" or "That firbolg". Some even using colours or clothing items to address her.

Another mark of the Fey realm left on her, one of which physical: are her freckles. She has a lot of them and any time someone looks at her, they're in a different arrangement. They often mimic the arrangement of the stars in a given constellation.

Just like how she can be percieved as "Mad", her physique reflects that.


Somehow she stumbled out of the Feywild and back into her original home plane. She has a different approach and perspective on things. Making her seem "Mad" to others. She yearns for "home", not realising that those who wish to help her mistake it as a place they can find in their realm, the home she was spirited away from, and not the Fey home she grew up in.

On her travels she protected and took along a little dormouse, somebody who wouldn't mind her ramblings and who quite liked to be carried around. Treating her as a little friend who would help her find her home. She would also pick up a rabbit, cause ofcourse the dormouse needs a friend.

She dislikes the idea of being tied down/locked up in one place, since she grew up in the Feywild she is used to being able to go whever she could. Thus, she greatly enjoys this new world to explore. However, while she does find it all new and exciting, it doesn't leave her immune to homesickness whenever the thought of home crosses her mind.


Name of Character • Relationship

Calls Them Nicknames

Describe your character's relationship(s) with other characters here - box will scroll with enough content.

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Name of Character • Relationship

Calls Them Nicknames

Aliquam ut velit in risus venenatis efficitur. Nullam tellus nibh, auctor eu justo non, sodales maximus dui. Sed eget auctor libero, non sollicitudin lacus. Duis at interdum orci. Mauris et tempus diam.

Design Notes

  • Has a lot of knots/braids in her hair, rather willy nilly
    • Most of these braids/knots are decorated with bells or beads.
  • Her freckles can move around, like stars in constellations
    • There is one on her face that NEVER MOVES. It's in the middle of her forehead, in the shape of a star
  • She hides things in her hair, like items or even animals.
  • The blue shawl she wears faintly glows in the moonlight
  • She has a tail
    • It's thin with a bushy end


  • She has Tritanopia and sees the world in more blue/red tones
    • She knows that her shirt is "green" but thinks that the blueish tone is "green" 
  • She has a notebook that only shows what's writting in it when it's held upside down
  • She also owns a flask of spectral glowworms that change colour to reflect the mood of the flask's holder
    • Which she can and will use to see how people are doing
  • She has no filter to her words